Tuesday, August 27, 2024

heroes rub some dirt on it


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As we are lied to so much, I always look for the lies, as they are designed to sow distrust in the system and laid to cover up what went on, in this case in Butler PA.

I have the New York Post link to the video below and the screen grab of an event that day in a cop who fell off the roof where the shooter was shot.

I have mentioned previously the SWAT statement on video that an officer fell off the roof, had seen the shooter and might need stitches in his hand as he was bleeding and cut.

In comparing videos, the officer who was on the roof and fell off, is the guy I call farmer tan, as he has a sunburn like a farmer. That is the guy who falls off the roof and is later seen on the roof with SWAT holding a gun, which he fumbled and bumbled with in his vehicle after running unarmed out in front of where the shooter was and then runs back.

The following photo is from a screen grab of the Post video. It is interesting too in this photo was in my files after being created, and Blogger would not show it existed. I uploaded it in a way I know how, but as you can see, there is no blood running down his arms, his hands are not covered in blood, and this dude has been running around for a few minutes with no time to wipe off blood. Someone who needs stitches should be leaving his own blood trail like Crooks left on the roof.

The same reality is, he is standing on the roof with the same rifle, and no blood is dripping.

So the story does not match what SWAT was stating they heard.

All people wounded bleed. Why not here. Why is a guy gushing blood out of his hands in what the SWAT statement said, gushing blood all over a crime scene? Not very kosher for a crime scene investigation..........and there the cop stands not bleeding in videos, but contaminating a crime scene.

More that requires answering with evidence and examination and not just trusting what is being said.


The screen grabs below are from the farmer tan video. In the first you can see the woman riding the horse in the left between the trees. The point in this is that the shooting has not yet started. This video is 6:41 long. This is at 43 seconds in and from the time farmer tan has fallen of the roof.

We will examine the last photo below as this is when farmer tan is on the roof and the infamous first picture follows.

Pay attention to the blood trail. It is already dried, except for the clotting pool at the bottom. The roof had to have been quite warm to do this, as it is completely dried when the Secret Service agent is grilling the same SWAT in the other roof top video.

It is important in comparing the locations and videos. I will explain in the next post.

Why is farmer tan not getting a medal as he was wounded and had such a deep cut that he was said to have required stitches in his hand.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
