Saturday, August 24, 2024

Is the demon oracle of Klaus Schwab right?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like most people, we forget about Iceland being a people and a nation. They are like the ceramic gnome on your lawn you forget about until  you bust it with the lawnmower.

The question in this is, the demonic oracle of Klaus Schwab said an island nation would disappear. Iceland is being rocked by another volcanic explosion. These are magma quakes, not something to blow up an island or sink it, meaning magma builds land, but I'm wondering in the demon machine how this old pawn shop broker spew was so certain to go Biblical in an exact prediction.

I had hoped it would be England that goes under, but she will in part in time disappear like all islands, but this is interesting in what this evil old man was talking about, in either this is being engineered in geo weapons or the demon machine is predicting this.

Moment Iceland Rocked By Another Huge Volcanic
Eruption As Enormous Geyser Opens Shooting Molten
Ash And Fire Into The Sky With Thousands Evacuated

Encore - Schwab Warns Of 'An Era Of Shock Events'

In either case, the Lame Cherry WELCOMES every refugee of Iceland, there beautiful White DNA, and as JD Vance is removing  all the Nigger Somalians out of Minnesota, the Lame Cherry invites Donald Trump to settle all these wonderful Christian Protestant White People into Minnesota, to vote for him now and later, and Let's Make Minnesota Great Again!

For once let us bring Isralite Lost 10 DNA back into America. Let's bring our brothers of Gad into our American fold and celebrate their arrival.

*Note: If Klaus Schwab is wrong, he should be like all false prophets stoned for lying to the people.

One more thing, Donald Trump needs to seize Winchester from Belgium, and then give all these Icelandic Americans a Winchester Model 92 with a case of ammo, to assist in protecting Americans......nothing like a million person Viking army to keep your administration safe.

Nuff Said
