Monday, August 5, 2024

Kamala Harris Helps Frame Innocent Americans

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(Big Tits Above The Law)

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now the that the feeble Joe Biden has unleashed his last revenge on the Supreme Court in attempting to undo the protections which the founders put into place, over the Supreme Court ruling on Jan6ers exactly what the Law states in they were trespassers in misdemeanor violations and not felons, insurrectionists or terrorists, Jack Cashill has shown the light on what was a deliberate lying by Attorney General Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to frame innocent Americans who were at the US Capitol on that fateful day. The ruse of the frame centered on two infamous points which triggered federal law, and that is why the situations were fomented.

The first was the DC Piper, again the DNC pipe device was outside were Vice President Elect Harris was said to be. These "bombs" were labeled "terrorism" as we all heard and this transferred to all Americans at the Capitol. The DC Piper has  never been found, but like the shady events of Butler Pennsylvania, involving the DOJ, the Piper appeared to be a federal asset and the government and police were covering for this "laying of bombs" as outside Ms.Harris' DNC presence, law enforcement allowed school children to parade in front of this device. They knew it was not dangerous.

The second in this which strengthens the "terrorist" charge which the indicted and convicted had no idea was even in the charges has again to do with Kamala Harris. Cashill fills in the details, but the point in this is, is that Secret Service, FBI, Capitol Police ALL told a like that Kamala Harris was inside the US Capitol when it was breached. I realize for most of us, it is like, "What the hell difference does that make, as are we not all one under God?" That is the rub in this, in NO WE ARE NOT.

As Cashill tells it, no DC jury could give a damn that Vice President Mike Pence was at the Capitol. He actually was in the tunnels under the Capitol completely safe and explains why he has been so pissy about all of this as he was left in the subway with no place to go. But it was Kamala Harris, the newly discovered Black quadroon woman who was the magic wand in the DOJ's cases against Americans. Harris has "space: and in being more important on the Animal Farm than the regular stock, the courts zeroed in on this and were extra biased against anyone who was brought up on charges, as Big Mammy was under threat. The problem with all of this was, and Kamala Harris KNEW IT. Joe Biden KNEW IT. The DOJ KNEW IT. The Secret Service KNEW IT, was that Kamala Harris was not even in the US Capitol when the events took place.

This is a massive fraud of Justice and this is who has in abject tyranny been part of a coup against Dictator Biden and is seizing complete power over the democratic process.

Meet you on the other side.

“On January 6, 2021, at approximately 1:00 p.m., Vice President Michael R. Pence, in his constitutional duty as President of the Senate, presided over the Joint Session,” said Paschall. “Vice-President-Elect Kamala D. Harris, in her role as a Senator representing the State of California, was also present.”

In D.C., where Donald Trump got only 5 percent of the vote in his best year, no juror really cared about Pence’s fate. Besides, as the DoJ knew, Pence was never at risk. He was taken to a secure location in the tunnels under the Capitol grounds that, only by a stretch, could be construed as being in the Capitol “building.”

Harris was another story.  At roughly 2:20 p.m., twenty minutes after protestors first entered the building, Harris was “evacuated” from her chamber. Where she went Paschall did not specify, but, she claimed, Harris “remained within the Capitol building” until the certification process resumed at 8 p.m.

Secor’s case was not unique. Harris’s presence at the Capitol remained part of the judicial boilerplate for nearly a year. Countless other J6 defendants had their sentences affected for having breached Harris’s space.

Not until November 4, 2021, did Politico reveal that Harris was never “evacuated.” In fact, she was not in the Capitol or on the Capitol grounds on January 6 at any time during the protest.

Thousands of Americans have been indicted on false evidence. Hundreds of Americans have been convicted and sentenced on false evidence that Kamala Harris was in the US Capitol and in danger.

This was deliberate deception by Biden, Harris and the DOJ of the US Courts and Juries to hunt down and intimidate Americans.

Everyone can make jokes of Cacklin' Kamala. They can call her a  NeoNegro in havng discovered she was Black, but at the heart of all of this is not that Kamala Harris flatbacked her way into power, but it is  what she did with power and what she did was allow innocent Americans to be framed. It is more than the murder of Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland, who may have met their murderous end by Afroid police officers thinking they were protecting a Vice President elect. it is the Americans who were made political prisoners, languishing for years without speedy trial, some committing suicide, that is the heart of the matter in this. All it would have taken was ONE SENTENCE from Kamala Harris to the US Courts informing them what she knew, that she was not endangered and the Courts would have viewed these cases in a completely different light. This is who Kamala Harris is. It does not matter if it was taking out feeble Joe Biden in a coup or an old Grandma led away by the FBI in handcuffs or being in the Capitol, Kamala Harris is a gender where the better angels of our nature and the milk of human kindness is a dry teat barren of human kindness.

Democrats are the group who is going to have to reject her, not of love for Republican Christians, but out of their own self preservation. Harris is the suckling of the Obama's and Clinton's and in them were the framing of Democratic leaders in Governor Cuomo, Senator John Edwards and Governor Blagojevich. Kamala Harris is of an Eric Holder group who eats their Ron Brown own.

The mysterious death of Ron Brown | Brasscheck TV

Ron Brown – friend and partner in crime with the Clintons – didn’t last long when he threatened to cross them.

With his resignation, New York’s Cuomo joins small group of U.S. governors forced out against their will

Only 21 of the nearly 2,400 people who have served as a state governor since U.S. independence have resigned under pressure.

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich released from Colorado prison after Trump commutes sentence

Rod Blagojevich. ... UPDATED: February 18, 2020 at 6:47 p.m. Rod Blogojevich walked out of prison Tuesday after President Donald Trump cut short the 14-year prison

Thee only hope Democrats have is Donald Trump commuting their sentences.

Nuff Said
