Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Kamala Harris is UnConstitutional

I was barred from being President as I was not Natural Born.

- Alexander Hamilton

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While alarm bells are ringing over Donald Trump contesting the coup which removed Joe Biden from the democratic primary and installed Big Mammy Kamala, there is a bigger issue in this.

Former President Trump is setting off alarms among critics as he pushes the claim that Vice President Harris’s ascent to become the Democratic nominee is somehow unconstitutional, with some warning he could be laying the groundwork to contest an electoral defeat as he did in 2020.

Trump has repeatedly sought to cast Harris replacing President Biden as the Democratic nominee as nefarious, likening it to a “coup” and in recent days claiming it may be unconstitutional because she was not atop the ballot in the primary process. 

Kamala Harris is NOT NATURAL BORN. That is the key Constitutional requirement for a President. It does not make a difference how this was swept aside for Barack Hussein Obama, because Obama was illegitimate too. He never was NATURAL BORN which means having TWO AMERICAN PARENTS. Obama was a foreigner and took such aid for college. He was  Kenyan, British and Indonesian. No one can be President who has had more than one citizenship. Obama admitted on his website that his British subjectio "expired". That is his words in admitting the fact.

The same is true with Kamala Harris. Her father was Haitian. Her mum was Indian. THAT IS NOT NATURAL BORN. She should not be nominated by democrats or even on the ticket. She should never have been Joe Biden's choice for Vice President.
She can be on the Supreme Court. be in the US Congress, be anything BUT NOT PRESIDENT. That is the law.

This is what the Constitution mandates.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States

This is what the Constitution means by NATURAL BORN based in ENGLISH LAW.

 For example, clause III of the Foreign Protestants Naturalization Act 1708 provided:

That the Children of all natural born Subjects born out of the Ligeance of Her Majesty Her Heires and Successors shall be deemed adjudged and taken to be natural born Subjects of this Kingdom to all Intents Constructions and Purposes whatsoever

For the Darwin dimwit, the above states in order to be Natural Born, you first have to have PARENTS WHO ARE BORN IN THE COUNTRY. This excludes Indian born and West Indian born Kamala Harris parents born in other nations.

The Founders put this protection into effect, because they knew putting in foreigners like Obama would start anti American erase and replace policies which Biden and Harris have steamrolled into America.

Those are the facts and a foreigner like Harris, under the coup direction of foreign birthed Barack Obama are just acting out against America in the coup against Joe Biden and Democrats as that is what they do and what the Founders warned they would do against America.

...........and the source for this is CIA Wikipedia, so you know the CIA has sensed it's demise and has been attempting to arrest this development and Donald Trump had better find with the Supreme Court which is under attack from Biden Harris and Obama to have standing in ruling on this issue of foreign birthed Kamala Harris as Bunghole Roberts betrayed America in letting Obama slide by.

Nuff Said
