Friday, August 9, 2024

Kamala's Coach


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just looking at Big Mammy's choice as her "Coach" for vice president, you can see something just is not registering like Joe Biden in this guy's brain. He looks like the guy who has to sit there for awhile and process a sentence before he can figure out what was just said to him.

You have to understand Walz by knowing the region which Walz was shit hole formed in in why Kamala Harris thinks other shit heads will vote for him.

Walz is from shit hole Nebraska. I have tried to explain this before but in the region the people of Nebraska are known as being on the stupid end of the stick. The Dakota peoples do not count as you can not find them in the grass. So when you want to move up in the world, you jump the border into Iowa and Minnesota where the real money is. If you are normal you get into Iowa. If you want to run for liberal office like Walz, you get into Minnesota.

Now before you think that all is shit hole out there, the regime of Minnesota is so repressive in destroying the White People in the outstate that there are no jobs. So Minnesotans shop and they get employment in the Dakotas. That is Minnesota's huge dirty secret as it stands there on it's pompous footing.

The people of the Daktoas HATE Minnesotans for various realities. The people of out state Minnesota HATE invaders, hate the Metro and hate twiprs like Walz.

In knowing that background we enter Nebraska Walz world of the above mug shot of an unshaven, not washed, drunk driver, rather sweaty wet coward look, as he was driving around 100 miles per hour being drunk.

A Nebraska hypo finally caught up to him and Walz then announced in his drunken state that he was driving that fast because he was paranoid. Yes Walz admitted he has psychological issues of paranoia and delusions.

Once the cop got Walz stopped, Walz had enough booze in his system to ignite into a blue flame around fire.

As the cop tried to question the drunken paranoid Walz, Walz was so drunk and having brain disconnect that he could not make his mouth work to answer the questions. He later claimed he had a hearing loss which was fixed, but his being so drunk he could not understand questions had more to do with his not answering than not being able to hear.

The Judge in Nebraska chewed Walz ass about being drunk and a teacher. Walz said nothing about being deaf, and his attorney had given up on the paranoia defense as the Judge was not buying that bullshit. So we know for the court facts that Walz was drunk, in a state where he was not keeping himself showered for days in his beard, and was driving around in Nebraska faster than Jimmy Carter said he could drive.

Walz at condition is a Nebraska nobody. He was bottom rung and a drunk school teacher. He finally saw that the national guard was not his future in pretend bravery and having enough credits, jumped into Minnesota so he could be someone. In the jump, he showed he was a coward in fleeing the military in war, and jumping into politics to be installed into Minnesota in the foreign invader flip going on there in a fellow traveler stronghold.

The reality is, do you want someone with a history of being drunk, paranoid, has no allegiance to anything as (he flipped from being a moderate to a dripping radical for power) and claims medical conditions TO HAVE HIS FINGER ON THE NUCLEAR BUTTON.

It is uncomfortable enough to know that Joe Biden has that wavering finger on the button and that Big Mammy Kamala who is as unsound as Walz wants her finger on that nuclear button too.

Honestly after George Bush turned into a Big Mike Obama cuddler, we should have known that his being drunk in Maine was a warning sign that the guy was not up to the job. Walz is sending the same signal to the world in he really can not handle pressure. He could not handle the Minnesota riots. could not handle war in being a coward and apparently the "pressures" of being a school teacher in not handling Nebraska children, broke him too.

Walz likes spending other  peoples money, meaning your money and Walz likes having kids in the Dakotas suck coal soot for his electrical appliances as that is where Minnesota gets it's electric. He is  just not what is good for all Americans, no more than the Birther, non natural born, Kamala Harris is. Remember all this shit we have going on in America is Barack Obama in Iran, the Mideast, Ukraine and the Obama shift into taking on China. These radicals caused the problem and Tim Walz is not a solution as he speaks Chinese and just loves Peking communists and wants Minnesota to be one with China.

That is Kamala the Hindu's coach and pick.

She should have picked the Jew.

Nuff Said.
