Friday, August 30, 2024

klotzen, nicht kleckern


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It has been a revelation in reading what real German Generals thought of American Generals beyond the propaganda and who they respected as their own brilliant leaders.

In the quote above, which is translate below are the military ideal of General Gunderian, the Father of Modern Tank Warfare. No translation really can be made into English from the German. The two below are from General Mellenthin, another Prussian and an online translator.

Go big, Don't go home.

Boot em, Don't spatter em.

For your understanding, I will not bother to ask you who the greatest German leaders were. They were both Prussian as most were, and the first is the most accomplished strategist in World War II in offense and defense.

The second is the most accomplished field commander of German forces.

For Americans, Field Marshall von Manstein was a the General Douglas MacArthur and General Balck was the General George Patton.

The Prussians:

General Erich von Manstein

General Hermann Balck

General Balck's father wrote the book which taught American officers to fight to victory in two world wars.

His 1903 six-volume work Taktik (Tactics) was translated into English by Walter Krueger and published in the United States in two volumes, Introduction and Formal Tactics of Infantry in 1911 and Cavalry, Field and Heavy Artillery in Field Warfare in 1914. This translation attracted the attention of Major General Leonard Wood, the Chief of Staff of the United States Army, and was widely read, and acclaimed, by American Army officers

It is tiresome to read these propped up Jewish historians writing volumes and being nothing but ignorant. Only the Germans could write their own history and the history of their enemies. Only the Prussians could assess it all, and as the masters of all races, they were targeted for genocide like the American Confederates, who were the cream of American Saxons.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Obliterate your enemy or do not start the fight.

Nuff Said
