Sunday, August 4, 2024

Kommandant en Chief Kamala Harris and the War to the Kamala House

Old Rode Hard and Spread Ready Kamala Harris
Kommandant in Chief

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The flexible thing about a Jew war against Iran to help Biden steal an election works just as well for a Hindu who hates Muslims married to a Jew who hates Muslims, having Tel  Aviv assassinate Hamas peace leaders in Iran, brings about the same Jew war for Big Mammy Harris as it did for Joe Biden.

There is a war coming as this blog predicted and it will start before the end of August as Tel Aviv's Kamala needs time to start the war against Russia in Ukraine by the first of October for her victory lap over Vladimir Putin.

Russia has been flying in a great deal of supplies. This would be missiles. The high activity means that this time Iran will engage the Tel Aviv Occupational Forces. Hezbollah of Lebanon has already stated that it will hit civilian infrastructure from this point on. This war is going to mirror the London and DC  targeting of German and Japanese civilians in the second world war.

As this blog has stated, Russia fully comprehends  that if her proxies defeat Tel Aviv and cripple Centcom in the Mideast, then Russia does not have to fight NATO in October.

After all the war bravado though a clear message is being sent that Kamala Harris can not have the Pentagon killing Muslims and Kamala Harris as a wife of a Jew can not protect the Jews, so a very checked policy is appearing. Dictator Biden is pissed at Netanyahu over this Hamas war as much as the ineptness of that Jew in Kiev. The end result is that Biden Kamala Shapiro on the ticket is looking to shoot down Muslim missiles while staying out of the way of an  expanding war.

Lord Austin in the weak Jake Sullivan woke faggot response from America reveals a number of realities. The Pentagon is terrified of Iran and Yemen. They are slow sending the carrier Lincoln from the Pacific and have the current carrier hiding

This absolutely weak political response is what Iran and Russia should exploit. Iran and Hezbollah should engage in protracted strikes and they should have ground forces sallying forth in Wagner type pocket groups to really bring this home to Tel Aviv. Lord Austin can talk about expeditionary forces all he likes but once they are on ground they are vulnerable to what is going on. America is hoping this war does not expand, but the Biden Harris Shapiro response is opening the door for such an expansion.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had approved sending additional Navy cruisers and destroyers-- which can shoot down ballistic missiles-- to the Middle East and Europe.

There had been speculation that the Pentagon might not replace the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group in the Middle East once it completed its ongoing deployment. But Austin decided to rotate in the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier strike group to replace it.
The Pentagon statement added it would increase readiness to deploy more land-based ballistic missile defenses.

Russia's response in Iran will be against American and Tel Aviv air power.  The reality is if the United States strikes Iran, Russia will strike America. That is the  reality. The reality is these Air Force jets are going to be on Cyprus. This is going to spread into a regional war. It is in Iran's interest now with Russian weapons to expand this, and create American woke forces dead in the sand bases there to drive America from the Gulf. Crippling Tel Aviv and Cyprus is in the scope of Hezbollah. Once technology is used up, that is the AK 47 boots and the Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran will win.

In projections, Iran may indeed have it's civilization cropped by Tel Aviv nuclear strikes, but Iran has more than enough nuclear warheads to scorch the Tel Aviv state. Once the balance is shifted then the Islamic card from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Turkey will move for Caliph in their own interests. That is the reality of the Samson Option. The Jews have enough nukes to cripple, but not enough to destroy all of the Caliph contenders.

This Lord Austin is weak and a vain attempt to keep America out of the shooting. The main shift is to land based defenses. 

Kamala Harris needs the Jews to win against Muslims to win this for her in November, but pretending to the Muslims that this Hindu Kamala is really on Islam's side as she gets bedded by a Jew every night. Russia needs with Iran to humiliate America and cripple Tel Aviv, so they will not have to fight a war in October. Iran and Syria need to see just how far they can mix this up to see how far Tel Aviv will go as DC is showing it is not going past the window dressing.

If Muslims want a Jewish White House, they should restrain themselves in retaliating on Tel Aviv. If they want a Trump White House looking for a deal and an exit, Tehran and Syria should press this weakness being presented as this is their best situation.

Kamala has blinked and everyone knows it.

Nuff  Said
