Sunday, August 25, 2024

Robert Kennedy II is the Stephen Douglas of our Age

Bobby Kennedy is the Democratic Party of America of 
Jackson, Bennett, Blair and Douglas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry appreciates the stance of Robert The Deuce Kennedy in endorsing Donald Trump, but staying in the race in key states to end the enslavement policy of the Kamala Harris democratic party. For those  who do not know history, when Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential race, his main opponent as always was the great democrat, Stephen Douglas. Stephen Douglas was a titan of political stature much like Robert Kennedy is. Douglas though behind the scenes offered advice to Abraham Lincoln and in numerous instances rose to help his political adversary.

Douglas was never a Republican convert, he disagreed with most of Abraham Lincoln's policies, but in the end to save America from disunion, it was Stephen Douglas who broke with the slavery movement democrats of the southern secession to restore the United States.

This is the pivotal and historic role which Robert Kennedy has risen to. Like Douglas he has come against family, friends and special interests in politics who have sought to harm him. He has stood though for principles which unite all of us, and for this, not dividing America as Kamala Harris in the Obama plantation have embarked upon again, is something Robert Kennedy II should be praised for by all Americans.

In one zinger, Kennedy compared the Democrats' collusion with the legacy media and weaponization of federal agencies to Vladimir Putin's control of the Russian media and Putin's resulting landslide reelection victory.

Finally, Kennedy admitted that his campaign had no chance of an electoral victory and that his continued campaign would benefit Democrats. He went on to say he was suspending, not ending, his campaign. He noted that he will remain on the ballots in many states and encouraged voters to cast ballots for him. He stated that he is removing his name from ballots in ten battleground states and encouraged voters in those states not to vote for him and instead to vote for former President Trump. He cited three reasons: "The war on free speech, the war in Ukraine, and the war on our children."

Kennedy, speaking of the war in Ukraine, cited President Trump's statement that he would open negotiations to end the war in Ukraine as one of his primary reasons for throwing his support behind Trump and reported that Trump was "anxious to talk to me about chronic disease." He reported meeting with Trump several times, and in a series of discussions, Trump suggested that he and Kennedy would join forces in a unity party.

This, it appears, is taking place now. Kennedy stated outright that he has "very serious differences" with some of Trump's stances, but named several key areas — the border, ending "forever wars," the health of the nation's youth (and population in general), and so on, which overrode the areas of disagreement. Kennedy spoke at great length about the nation's health — citing processed foods, overmedication, and subsidies from the federal government aimed at all the wrong products.

I will have more on this in the coming weeks in this study of the 1860 election and aftermath which are revealing. We need to support Robert Kennedy though, in making certain he remains safe as much as Donald Trump and all candidates. I pray his family will embrace him for his valour and stop endorsing this Obama Plantation Machine which is harming all of us in this world.

To restore American faith in the Justice System of America, Donald Trump, with set goals, must appoint RFK to the historic role of Attorney General. This is the first time in a very long time that Democrats and Republicans have begun to unite for America. I hope that Donald Trump would reach out to Govenor Cuomo or New York for his Chief of Staff. If Governor Cuomo will work for America, there is no finer person to drive the necessary reforms for government to function for the people.

Nuff Said
