Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Bloody Ear

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Rense had this video up and I would suggest you stay away from such things unless you want to be Jan6 II, as while the content is correct in reference, it is a reality that no matter which was this swings, all hell is going to break loose in this country by design again.

A very shortsighted group who appears to have had cover inside the security state, decided on a quick fix in removing Donald John, and apparently would have welcomed the crackdown which would have followed to keep Joe Biden in power. Now Biden is gone and  we are left with an even more elevated situation in DT knows even more about what took place than what has been pieced together in fringe media and knows who did this. The people in power are either going to run to save themselves or try again to save themselves which is more upheaval in America.

It is the reason the Lame Cherry advocates peace and to stay away from all of this.

Someone mentioned on Rense that DT closed out the RNC with some Italian opera music which was about a man taking revenge on those who did the Cassius. It is why the prudent will get out of the way and not become involved.

Just as that video surfaced before the election with Trump supporters chasing democrats in Texas with flags flying, it baited in allot of Jan6ers. The above video is like the Godfather has come home in a holy rite.

All  I can do is tell you not to play in the street. So do not play in the street.

This is what we have come to in political losers too weak to appeal to the masses, resorting to assassination politics as the police state testifies before Congress about ear shrapnel.

Nuff Said
