Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Premier

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to presesnt you with a working theory which I'm betting is a whole lot closer to what took place in Bulter PA and will eventually come to a money making analogy, forgetting about this popular girl, in never being mentioned........but you will have known this for years.

The Lame Cherry begins this with two reports which all of you have heard which struck all of us as bizarre.

The first was that "Not so  fast, Trump was struck by shrapnel and not a bullet."

The second was that, "This was not an assassination attempt".

Now we heard both of these from the CIA Mockingbird media IMMEDIATELY. Now how would they know, unless this was pre written talking points media. This was being mouthed by FBI Director Christopher Wray for days after, even at Congressional testimony, so this was an official working talking point which was supposed to be the standard for Butler PA.

The Lame Cherry is asking you not to discount the above in more fake news, but to consider this not as real news, but this was the known intelligence line of what Butler was supposed to be, in Donald Trump was not supposed to be fired upon and more to the point, this was not an assassination attempt.

So you get this, I'm not espousing that Trump was not shot. He obviously was. What the Lame Cherry is moving you to consider is that there were two other cell phones associated with Thomas Crooks, one went silent before the incident at Butler and one was in Chinatown DC by an FBI office. That is two individuals besides Crooks.

I'm building something here so just stay with this as you will understand the punchline.

We know from the Stewart video by the Crooks position in John Cullen analysis that there were multiple shooters at that location. Someone was firing from inside the building with subsonic ammo. To blanket this in theory, we have the Crooks position, then someone in a tree or two people in trees, on the North side, and then there is that odd person in camo crouching by the fence.

The New York  Post first reported as Chinese sniper on a roof, and shot dead.

We have a report of someone on the water tower. We have a report of someone in the South as that is the only location of a house roof top.

Then there is the Cullen video in the South Bleachers, where a shot hits the derrick and blows an oil line, and a shot or two travels up the top bleacher line in a southwest direction. Two people in the stands look West, which is the derricks in front of Trump. 

There is a report of a camera operator too. (I will just ask you to consider what if there was not a gun, but an amplifier which went BANG, if you were trying to divert attention.)

The diversion will make more sense when the words of Thomas Crooks appear in his stating his PREMIER was going to happen. He also told his employer he would see them on Sunday for work. Crooks graduated from 2 year college and was going to college in a month for his degree. This is not someone who thought he was going to be dead.

OK so what do we have in this jumbled mess. The Lame Cherry will provide you an assessment which ties all of this together which is something Russian intelligence has been providing to Vladimir Putin, beyond the spiders in a jar statement.

We know something shady was taking place at Secret Service and Homeland. We know that the obstacles were not there to protect Trump like derricks as before. We know that a great deal of the media was there in MI6 BBC and CNN, one behind the venue and the other recording it, while the pool reporters were under the stands hiding.

Let us just read a story now in theory of some Hollywood type tale where Thomas Crooks a bright child, happens to hook up with other GENS  in gamerland, and they get this great Edward Snowden idea, but more like the Obama Soros Buffet chaos of 2019 AD in the year of our Lord directed at Donald Trump. Crooks thinks it is his idea to take part but he is a recruit handled by the cell phone that is in DC. An idea forms of how to humiliate Donald John and disrupt his rallies while accomplishing other leftist ideas like gun control. The idea is to spray bullets over the rally in The Premier of an election season of Operation Kaos. No one gets hurt, these gamers have cover from the security end and it disrupts everything for Donald John.
The Secret Service stands down. In a democratic state the police there leave holes in the operational area of the glass works and a rather smug Crooks sits there, having stowed his gun, and knowing other fellow gamers are there and it will be a sensational news flash the media will eat up, and they will disappear into the network again as they are under  that Russiagate Jan6 protective cover of this functioning group of the left.

As this group knows what is taking place, everyone else knows what is going on in this Premier, and someone has the bright idea of, "Hey, we have these idiot gamers as a team, why not send in a second team who actually shoots people in the stands".
That is discussed and then someone says, "As we are going that far, let's put in this second team coordinating with Kiev MERCS under Chinese PLA coordination, and get rid of the person no one is supposed to be shooting at, and let's put a few rouns into the SS Snipers to get their attention, and activate them to silence Crooks and this Team 1."

That sounds like a real plan as in the chaos which would erupt, no one would be able to investigate any of this and the Warren Report would file again as it was already written.

To make this simple. There was the Gamer Team 1 who thought this was all for fun. Then there was Team 2 which was going to do the dirty work and Team 1 would be scapegoated and all being dead, no one would ever question, besides the "conspiracy nuts" who could be laughed at again.

Would this not fit the narrative the FBI and media came up with that Trump was not shot and that this was not an assassination attempt? Yes, because the operation was just chaos and when Trump was bleeding, they thought it was shrapnel as no one was supposed to be firing at Trump in this "lone gunman on the roof" who they in consternation were thinking that these gamers could not shoot straight as people in the bleachers  were getting hit. and killed.

So they try to spin this to what they have as a narrative, and as more data comes in, they know they got a can tied to their tale as people are reporting more shooters and the SS was taking fire and it was not supposed to be fired on and they are firing and killing gamers, and then those 30 caliber rounds start dropping out of body armour vests and not 223 and they move into the "delay"mode of this cover up is now 60 days out in a report as we are all in trouble now in our group as someone actually did try to take out Donald John operating under our chaos operation.

So the gamer team thinks this is a premier to live another rally, and spread, and instead they are meant to be taken out. as the SS is activated by the 2nd team whose principle did fire on the Trump location and nicked his ear.

So when you run a chaos operation and suddenly people in the stands are shot and killed and the candidate gets shot, it is no longer fun and games. Enough people like Senator Grassley know on the inside that this had a second operation, so he releases the list of people who were in the Crooks building so the DIA will now have the upper hand in leveraging this disaster as unlike these other foreign operations run out of Brennan Srzok committee, this got the operational people DOA, and it has enough video with a bleeding ear to make this a domestic and foreign operation which will not go away.

This theory makes sense in all of these shooters, the immediate cover stories which made no sense out of CIA and FBI and why it seems there were more guns at Butler than the OK Corral.

This blog maintains what it said that Crooks  thought he was a hero working from the inside.  Everything about him in body language, sitting around in the open, riding a bike around, and engaging this in what was true, he had an open lane, a blind spot pointed out to him and provided for him and others, and this Premier was going to have him celebrated as the next GEN hero that disrupted MAGA a second time and kept this Obama operational group in power.

All a theory for now.

Nuff Said


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