Thursday, August 1, 2024

To Biden Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

 Space between his ears is his final frontier...........

I wrote Star Trek for Gene Boddenberry, but I wanted to play Captain Kirk
as Lloyd Bridges and Gene wanted a Jew, so I said, "Fuck you Gene, I'm going
to Delaware and start my own mafia family".

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is the toughest thing in this world to know that the popular girl Lame Cherry has more love for Joe Biden,  than Kamala Harris, her White entourage, Jill Biden, Hunter Biden and every democrat in the Obama sphere.

The video below is just lamentable in how sad it is. What was hidden before to keep Biden in power for the cabal running his regime for 3 years is now seeping out deliberately as this is supposed to give standing to Big  Mammy Kamala for sticking  the knife in and the Cassius democrats who betrayed Biden bathing in the orgy of delight in this political bloodletting are shown as heroic for ending Biden.

Meet you on the other side.

Joe Biden should have just been lied to after he almost fell and killed himself in Nevada. He should have been giving a sleeping pill, hauled out to some hanger, people should have been brought in to hear him speak and cheer, and then they could put him back to bed.

Mr Biden is obviously not capable of gutting the Constitution and overthrowing the Supreme Court in reforms. It is his last politcal posture in something no one wants as every American with sense is scared to death of their own regime after what happened to Trump in Pennsylvania. We have a complicit Congress and for once having a court system which is figuring out it has to be the check as there is no balance in America is the last thing of American civilization as Biden wants it gone for more Obama erase and replace.

Apparently Biden has signed over most of his powers. I do not want him to resign as I do not want Kamala Harris as President when not elected. I certainly do not want if Kamala is impeached for this Ziongelical nitwit Mike Johnson running things for Tel Aviv. The best thing in this is Joe Biden holding office. I would that his people could do this more humanely in not abusing this oldster, but they lack human integrity or empathy.

I wonder what the Las Vegas odds on how long the Dictator will survive, how long we survive and how long America survives in the Big Mammy State which shoved us all over the edge in this klusterfuck.

Nuff Said
