Sunday, August 25, 2024

TWATTER with Jen Psaki - Thee 1.0 Most Beautiful Woman in the World


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While all of us have been diverted from the news that really matters, there has been an undertow which has surfaced which is really important. It all began with Hunter Biden's best friend, Tucker Carlson,moving onto Twitter to rave reviews. While this has nothing to do with Tucker, someone else has been watching and this is who we are reporting on.

We all remember that Jen Psaki was the second most beautiful woman in Washington DC, behind of course Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. What only this journalist has noted, is that Biden DC has been hardon AOC. She simply is not aging well, she has a figure like a Puerto Rican who has been having a few children and has spread out, and her looks just are no longer thee most beautiful woman in DC anymore

We first were alerted that something was astir when Jen Psaki on MSNBC confounded and blurted out to Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire,  that she was almost the most beautiful woman in the DC area.

Sununu was stunned as of course he had noted that AOC is aging, but being a gentleman he was not going to bring it up, as of course he noticed JP was ravishingly gorgeous as usual, a married man can not be caught agreeing that a woman is the most beautiful in the world, as he has a wife go home to at night who has knives and guns, as a man has to sleep sometime.

Things then became rather capitalist as Ms. Psaki stated that Tucker Carlson could not be the only sexy gender exploiting himself, as she too had a site called TWATTER, which it turns out is a sort of homemade porn movie extravaganza which number of talented leftists have posted on.

The program that Jen hosts there is called INSIDE JEN PSAKI, and here are two of the billboards I found.

I think it is kind of elitist as the directions I found had to do something with clicking a secret icon on the Obama Library site, and then you log in with like Obamcare Platinum, Gold, Silver and Tin access, which then puts you onto an email list where Jen sends out alerts for her live feed narrowcasts.

Can we not put all of these politics and wars behind us, and focus on what matters, in realizing that AOC is just not aging well, and that Jen Psaki is almost the most beautiful woman in DC, even if she is in New York City.

Let us just settle this as Jen was out with Governor Newsom of California, trying to destroy the Constitution and she did not look very good without all that studio make up. Has not Jen Psaki given enough to Birther Obama, Pedo Joe and media, that for even a brief moment we can all agree that she is the most beautiful woman in DC, even if she is in NYC.

Thank you to one and all for joining to this cause.

Nuff Said
