Saturday, August 31, 2024

Why is the FBI running a Grand Jury over the Butler Assassination?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Did you know that when I sent an FBI media file to my archives which I will quote below, that my email just continued to state it was sending forever?

I'm quoting this FBI media call below in this short update as it is exclusive to the Lame Cherry has everyone has missed it.

Here is the quote from the Agent in charge.

To date, we’ve conducted nearly 1,000 interviews, served numerous search warrants, issued dozens of subpoenas, and analyzed hundreds of hours of video footage. 

For those who missed it, the FBI stated it is not investigating the Secret Service, but in testimony before Congress they eluded to a strange protection of people's rights...........ok the Crooks family is cooperating, Crooks is dead and a lone it means there are other persons of interest out there the FBI is targeting.

In a future post I examine the FBI statement and mention what you are reading now in SUBPEONAS are not warrants for arrest or evidence seizure, subpeonas only take place in Courts. So the FBI with the US Attorney, meaning Attorney General Merrick Garland as on Jan6 cases has convened somewhere a Grand Jury which is examining evidence of some type which indicates other actors were involved.

The FBI says it was only Tom Crooks, so who are these other people whose rights are being protected?

The Lame Cherry suspicion in this is this is Mosaad fingering Iran or China for involvement in this for a Kamala Surprise indictment of having a part in this (remember the New York Post stating a Chinese guy was dead on a roof as a sniper and that disappeared.) and that of course means President Kabala as Obama refers to her in cock size speeches at the DNC, will have to have a war with someone before the election. As the insiders including Dan Bongino for Tel Aviv keep pointing to Iran with his tampered video of Crooks in the vendor walk, that is what this smells like.

For the moment, all we know is what the FBI has twice made mention of, and now we have the official statement of SUBPEONAS, and that means a Federal Grand Jury is operating somewhere to indict in a Federal US Court which Congress has not been informed of in the investigating committee.

This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in alerting everyone that something is going on behind the scenes and everyone has missed it save this popular girl made poor orphan by non donors.

Nuff Said


