Wednesday, September 18, 2024

a more imperfect union


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In one of thee most bizarre woke events which are taking place, this blog has become aware of that a marriage took place on Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island, next to the Rush Limbaugh resort, where nuptials were exchanged between one M. R. Obama and a declared woman named, Gigi Bush.

The shocking part is the fine print in who signed this certificate in it was George W. Bush as a bride and Michelle Robinson Obama as the groom.

Onlookers were many who witnessed this political union, which declared itself as the candidate of the Democatic Party in 2024 in the first multi gender ticker.

Gigi stated she could no longer be held back by a Laura marriage, and Big Mike kept stating he would be president as he had not seen the Birther around since June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord.

The service was short in the bride wore a French bikini and the groom wore a black speedo. After the ceremony the two waded out into the ocean and frolicking about while the guest watched.

This is the official photo which was presented all the guests, along with a complimentary napkin embroidered with Gigi & Mike, Forever.

So it appears that in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord that Gigi Robinson will be First Lady of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and Big Mike will be President in this more imperfect union.

The couple danced to the Australian Group, AC/DC to their favorite song, Big Balls.

Nuff Said

Oct 21, 2022 ... Official audio for "Big Balls" by AC/DC Listen to AC/DC: Subscribe to the official AC/DC YouTube channel: ...
