Monday, September 2, 2024

Home is where the F 20 is


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is obvious to me now that God loves me to have put me into the Brier Patch, so that no nuclear fall out, no Wormwood, no whatever that is going to kill everyone else will not come nigh my dwelling as we finally brought the F 20 home, with JYG's rainbow bus which has been featured here not long ago.

TL kindly photographed the new model and I adore this tractor which is around 100 years old and it amazes me how simple it all is to get at and fix.

These tractors in the Regular, F 12, F 20 and F 30 do not have a starter or battery, just a magneto for spark and a hand crank, which I will get skilled on once all the parts that are supposed to be moving are unstuck, like the left rear wheel brake band, the clutch and the engine. Not phased by things stuck as they will come loose with penetrating oil.

I just have to read the starting instructions on the spark setting so I do not get a kick back or backfire which can break your arm.

This is the original loader and I know where an original bucket is that I can pick up, so I'm quite delighted about it all.

What I found neat about this tractor is it has two fuel caps on it. In the old days you started on gasoline and switched to kerosene. Not going to do that, but this outfit is versatile. I really had never gotten a chance to look at this tractor until we got her home and she is fascinating in simplicity and mystery in how this all worked.

I still have not gotten the tin off the side to see the spark plugs and what is going on there. Was just glad the oyster can on top of the muffler was intact and no water got in that way. I still believe all those toxic salts of HAARP chem snow and rain caused all of these rusted parts that are stuck.

The above featured girl is by a Farmall MD, that is diesel. They started on gas too and you switched to diesel. I do not have one of them, but  I could not find any nice pictures of F 20's and girls.

I like my lawn ornament though with hope. Last one of these I saw is when our old neighbor France sold out. This is exactly like his tractor, as most were in no one painted them after the paint came off. I will paint this girl eventually as she should be painted. Amazing things America once made and after Jesus returns for 100 years, these F 20's will still be running on 100 year old gas and the 50,000 dollar vehicles of today will covered over by the world healing itself.

Nuff Said
