Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Spread

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You heard that Anthony Fauci got the West  Nile, and there were outbreaks of this virus, when everyone had this is a new virus.

Just so you know what came online last year in 2023 AD in the year of our Lord, a patent was issued to dispense by drones, toxin carrying mosquitoes.

There were two main structures which the mosquitoes were going to dispense, and the first was Scoplamine, a mind suggestion drug. 

The second is a series of what looks like manmade toxins to kill insects in the ground and to both implant and infect through the lungs a group toxin in:


This is not science fiction. This is a front located in Virginia which has developed some odd platforms which are of zero use to normal people.


American UAV releases toxic mosquitoes spreading bioagents

The name of the inventor mentioned in the patent is S. Mill Calvert, Manassas, VA [US], and the applicant are TMARS Associates, Trustee for Toxic mosquito aerial release system CRT Trust, Manassas, VA [US]. The patent is dated March 3, 2015.

Someone really is making ridiculous gadgets for the CIA. Here is an inventor named S. Mill Calvert who appears to be the pseudonym for the DOD's weird gadgets/weapons. This inventor was listed as having the patent for the device that the department of defense uses to disperse weaponized mosquitos. Looking at the other patents under this name shows a bunch of hight tech military gadgets from exploding pebbles to bullets that cause stroke or seal your eyes shut. There is an RFID system that uses tiny micro RFID grits to covertly track troop movements. A bullet that causes you to have a stroke. A gun that can seal your eyes shut. Piezoelectric explosive pebbles. Robots that covertly bury themselves in the ground and release liquids or take samples. Gun disabling exploding bullet Hollow point payload capsules for bullets And many many more.

As this is Bill Gates wet dream, you can understand in this game of chance with war with China and Russia, that these types of platforms are all over the place in the West, ready to be deployed.

Nuff Said
