Friday, September 20, 2024

The Worst Laid Plans of Men and Mice

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I ran across this early photo of Kamala Harris and I can see why Willie Brown was nailing her as she was an attractive woman. Nothing like her Harry Morgan pig nosed Bombay mum. I always wondered what happened to Harry Morgan after Dragnet and before MASH and here he was with a suntan and having sex with Haitian Negroes. Let me state I doubt like hell that dark as midnight West Indian was the sperm donor to the fair Kamala as mum is one lower Indian pig nose. You don't get a Kamala out of that. Mum must have spread the works for some honky liberal professor.

No doubt about it, Kamala Harris was a flat chested, pretty, Hindu girl, before her tits grew and she threw all the poor ghetto Nigs out of San Fran for the rich fags buying homes from real estate Jews.

I have a statement here. Kamala Harris is going to lose by a margin so great to Donald Trump that it can not be stolen for her as it was for Obama and Biden.

The people who are deranged about Trump are deranged yet, but those making the masses deranged are stone cold sober in they are internationalists who want America part of a group and not like a Trump independent America which they can not control though their hedge funds.

So it is like JFK in process of shattering this syndicate. It is like RFK 1 in if he got into the White House, the cartel would be in jeopardy again, so someone pierces the Deserter's ear and they send in another drone to be a fence peeper at the golf course.......and the SS then says it can no longer protect Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.

How did the Vice President suddenly get into this SS announcement as it was The Deuce who has had assassins after him with no SS protection.

Kamala Harris is going to lose. The people behind this Biden coup, Russiagate and all of this can not have that. She is going to lose. How do you keep Donald Trump out of the White House, without now throwing an armed insurrection into the mix?

Think about it as I have after the SS issued it's judgement that it can not protect anyone.

It does not look like the Kamala Wars in Lebanon and Ukraine are going to defeat Putin to defeat Trump, so trusting in that is off the table as the DIA which is backing Trump is happy with the Bormann's choice to shepherd along their European plans.

So the group that does not want Trump in power again, might come up with a new coup replacement plan on what the SS has stated.

Hypothetically as none of us want anyone harmed and we pray for God's safety for all o we may have a peaceful world, what do you think if a Butler type coup took place against a certain candidate running against the Deserter. We saw the New York Times high speed photographer right there for a Kenney brain blog, and imagine what a photo like that would horrify all if this was someone else.

As we witnessed Jan6, the hearings and all this DOJ stuff, what would you think would unleash as this new shooter would be in a conspiracy, so that lots of people would have to be rounded up.

Now the operation in this would not be nationwide, but what if it was contained to the Swing States. You remember how close the vote counts were in those states. What if this Trump margin with Independents were erased with the rounding up of a few Republican voters, a few hundred thousand shipped out to these emergency camps in holding areas, a few hundred thousand who could not vote and be removed from the vote tally.

Who could heal a wound in a nation of a MAGA conspiracy, but that mammy of the world in Big Mike, who would be heading the ticket once occupied by Joe Biden and the latest coup victim. Let's say that Big Mike sheds that worthless Tampon Tim and puts Gavin Newsome on the ticket too for someone who knows what they are doing.

So come election day, the DOJ will have shut down all these conspiracy sites that Hamrod Clinton wants in jail, so you get zero information like on Butler an it is all FOX and CNN. The Trump voters will all be blamed for the violence and it will be cheered that MAGA in the swing states will be rounded up in number to move those to pinko Big Mike states for victory.

This would sort of wrap things up in the kind of package we have been experiencing for far too long in reactionary events ripping a nation and being lied to, and then still trying to sort things out from 1963.

I honestly hope for the safety of not only Kamala Harris, but of all candidates and all people. It just seems like this scenario is something this brutal organ would unleash, as we just missed in Butler another Jackie Kennedy holding a piece of her husband's brain to forever shock rape a nation again.

I have no insider information nor knowledge of anything related to this. It is just assemble events of coups and statements from those who are supposed to protect people saying they can not protect people.

For God's reason it appears what Nostradamus and Dick Allgire saw as the fate of the Deserter was thwarted by God's Good Grace. I hope God continues in protecting all candidates and people from these worst laid plans of men and mice.

Nuff Said


Judy Collins - Send In The Clowns - YouTube

Album: Judith - 1975 -
