Monday, October 28, 2024

Kamala on Line 2


Listen to Alec Baldwin get no calls as he hosts his radio show

Aug 8, 2013 ... Alec 'Toxic Little Queen' Baldwin gets his own weekly primetime show at MSNBC to air at 10 pm on Fridays, according to Mediaite. he gig ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that the Harris Walz campaign has decided that two Walz's are too much for Americans to absorb and have found a quiet corner for Tampon Tim's wife to chill out in. In all of this, I feel like I"m watching bad Saturday Night Live skits as normal people in America cringe in listening to these four people.

Kamala Harris sounds like he has a kilo of coke snorted up her nose. Tampon Tim soundsd like he has a dry tampon lodged in his throat. Goofy Gwen is like the insane band teacher ordering the class to clap to her spelling out names she made up on the music scale.

In the above link, is Alec Baldwin having a disaster of a time on radio. When I watched the last semi not drugged appearance in CNN of Kamala Harris, I thought she sounded just like Baldwin who goes into this monotone trance in rambling on about nothing, because he has nothing to say.

Let me explain how this works below.

There are currently 5 mediums now in work in this world. There is public speaking. There is television / podcast. There is radio. There is print and there is the Tweet.

Each one is unique and they are not interchangeable. The most rigid of these is the podcasst due to it being a visual medium first. The most fluid is radio due to it makes the person listen. The most intimate is the printed word where the writer must interact with the person's mind and heart. The most ordered is public speaking as you have a captive audience. The most memorable is the Tweet as it must communicate in a few words to communicate with the reader.

In each of these mediums, the entire priority is you must have something intereting to communicate. The least is television as the eye holds  the fixation in colours and pretty. In that transition from stage to television, many artists failed as the two mediums were different. Many radio people can do television because they could communicate. Alec Baldwin has problems as he was good on televisionwith a scripted message, but he had nothing to bring to the audience to hold their minds.

If you listen to the rambling, mothering, lecturing, cajoling and democratic harping which Kamala Harris engages in, the audience afterwards is cheering, not so much from the message, but knowing what a failure she is, they want to give her an A for her failing, so they do not appear as losers. Honestly Kamala Harris in another of her brain sloshes basically said, "Don't worry be happy." She though could not harness that manipulator Frank Roosevelt in "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself".

Kamala Harris and the Walz's have no direction. They can not even resort to the Obama disaster in saying, "We need more Obama catastrophe as 1000% Obama will be better with 10,000 % Obama", because Harris is the scion of Obama disaster.

Let us be frank in this. Barack Obama initiated upheaval in the 3rd world which caused refugees, which the UN, Biden and CIA religious charities flooded American and Europe with. Kamala Harris is the cum dump of this Obama ejaculation. She is Richard Nixon  stuck with the consequences of Lyndon Johnson bankrupting America in the war on poverty and war in Vietnam which destoyed the gold backed Dollar.
Harris can't admit to this disaster as she is the wetback offspring of two foreigners and should not be running for President as it is not Constitutional, any more than Obama was. So she as a barren womb, plays this Mammy character in telling little white boy, Chris Matthews, that he just needs to have joy and will have a dream, even if all the girls and homo boys laugh at how little his penis is when he tries to have sex with them.

Kamala Harris' bag is empty of thought as what she Obama glommed onto is utter failure. She can't come out and say, "Hey I jailed Niggers in San Fran to steal their homes or rich queers, and I will jail White American so these invaders can have their homes", as that is the only accomplishmet she has ever had.

What is the problem with Harris and the Walz's is that they do not have a Jame Carville or a Hillary Clinton in their staff who will stand up to them, tell them what weird people they are, to stop acting weird and to ACT like Alec Baldwin  does most of the time to get a paycheck.Even Alec Baldwin has a hot wife and a pile of good kids, so there is something to that man in one on one that appeals to people. The person who Harris is most like is that oddball poser George Clooney who is dumb as a post, and you can imagine what his marriage is like as it mirrors the weird Harris and Walz unions, as they appear in public, like they are Obama, but stand there posing and there is nothing there.

Compare that to the stump work of Bill Clinton as he was an icon in playing a crowd and feeding off of them.

I just hope that the people who install leaders can have us all put this behind us, and we can all turn the page, and this Kamala Harris, Gwen Walz, Tim Walz, can go the way of the lackluster forgettables like Michael Dukakis, Jeb Bush and Mike Pence.

Nuff Said
