Monday, November 18, 2024

President Elect Trump Provide Russia Something To Hold On To


We both need room to walk this back.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

From the below statement, it is that President Vladimir Putin in wiggle room to stop this long range terrorism against Russia before it starts, using French, English and American electronics soldiers to guide these missiles.

Scott Ritter has reached the same conclusion the Lame Cherry published a week ago on the Tarbaby being coated on Donald Trump. Mr. Trump must define his Presidency now to give the Russians something to hold on to.

Moscow must be given a reason of something to hold on to, and the United States must issue a Trump Doctrine that America will walk back any defense of attacking parties to not be drawn into a war, but to end the conflict.

This is all related to the snow machine being turned on in Gotham.

Nuff Said
