This is what AI sees as Christmas tree.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As always. . . my sincerest thanks. You have widened my faith, my thinking, and my life.
The thing I would say is this is all the Holy Ghost Inspiration on this blog, and anything wrong with it is my fault as God is perfect.
I do not have allot of time to answer people who write notes as this HAARP chit is very exhausting in trying to get things done and keep warm. It is survival like all of us are engaged in.
I sincerely hope that Mr. President Elect is going to be even more benefit than I see. Most people lurking here on the blog though, now having been delivered are like the 9 lepers who Jesus noted did not come back and show the appreciation. It is what people do and are. I do not lie here on this blog. I do not attempt to fear porn. I do not find ways to manipulate people. It is about trust in people doing the right thing.
One of the things I'm most proud of, is that the Holy Ghost had me write that it was not going to be as bad after the election as the people who said the country was going to burn down. That pleases me as I have been writing a narrative in which settled waters will prevail.
I found a thing in Sandberg's book about Lincoln which I would share in this post, in Lincoln was concerned over the Emancipation, in the Negroes would rise up and slaughter all the masters in the South. He thought about this a very long time and it wore him out. In the end, what he noted was that when the Negro slave saw John Charles Fremont as the Republican in 1856 AD in the year of our Lord as the person who would free them, and the elections came and Fremont was defeated, that lack of hope is what caused the slave uprising in the South which was murderous. It was the taking away of hope. When Lincoln signed the freedom document turning humanstock into people, the Blacks did not rise up. They pondered and awaited their situation. As Mary Chestnut of South Carolina noted, her two Negroes hid behind their black masks, never showing any sign of what they were thinking of freedom. The one upon seeing she had sown her gold and jewels into a belt, worn around her petticoat, responded by asking twice as much money for grocery shopping.
There is probably going to be staged events of insurrection in January to help this situation along to where it will benefit the country. That is not of any concern as paid violence under Obama has proven to be a short sheet to the wind. These screaming catters who are without Jesus, are going to wear themselves down. They will be back to spreading their legs for men and back to aborting babies and back to what they are soon enough. They will luxuriate in the benefits of Donald Trump enrichment and forget who buttered their bread and be right back into the Clintons who will absolve them from their guilt of enjoying life and tell them they can be miserable and hate other people, so they do not have to hate the wretches they are.
Perhaps the vax will weed out more of them, so this will not be as great a surge as before, but the ones that make it, will be like that idiot NBC weatherman who upon seeing how great Ronald Reagan was for the country, said that Ronald Reagan was really a liberal. The delusions of people will prevail.
As for me, it is around 15 degrees today. Warmer weather is coming, thank God. Most of you should have a better weather situation. We would all have a better weather situation if Donald Trump and Elon Musk cut HAARP completely. It is tied into the energy magnets who make the chems for profit, but we would be having a less taxing winter if HAARP feared Donald Trump.
I'm grateful that this blog by God does benefit people. I'm very pleased that this blog has kept my children and even my brats from acting out in frustration when things looked really hopeless the past 5 years. It is as the Holy Ghost noted, do not make trouble for yourselves, prepare for things, and a bigger dog will appear to occupy the police state. At the moment the dog is the President elect and it would help if Mr. Putin was put in a tail wagging mode. We do not need any more hot wars. More can be achieved in profits with economic competition as Ronald Reagan proved.
I'm grateful for the good people out there for their support and in knowing that they are going to be with Jesus in either in Heaven or witnessing His coming. It is our small cloud of the Saints.
God bless each of you for Good.
Nuff Said