Friday, December 20, 2024

Reich Peace In Our Time

Bismarck's Ghost will guide us to a world peace.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The world has begun to come to it's senses from Anglo Bulan politics of Obama in the Germans, Donald Trump and Olaf Scholz have agreed that it is time to end the Ukraine war against Russia.

"They agreed that Russia's war against Ukraine has gone on for too long and that it is important to move towards a just and sustainable peace as soon as possible," the German government said in a statement.

This conversation was the second contact between Mr. Scholz and Mr. Trump after the latter's victory in the US presidential election in November. The politicians held their first telephone conversation on November 11. At that time, the leaders of the countries agreed to work together to restore peace in Europe.

The future for the United States in Peace is the German American Alliance as this blog has stated. America under Mr. Trump is restored and America builds weapons and provides financial stability to benefit the German alliance in Europe, and to trade peacefully with the Russians. 
Germany will become the diplomatic peacekeeper then in the Middle East and in Europe with the United States dealing with restoration under Mr. Trump.

The Board behind this is moving all parties and that is why what is taking place in America is manifesting for Americans again as America has a purpose in this. America has to get to the point of not fighting wars for other nations and to not be a global cop making itself a target.

Perhaps Sebastian Kurz could be placed as head of German and Austrian governments to be the broker as friend to Mr. Trump and friend to Mr. Putin.

This is very good news.

Nuff Said
