Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Shut It

Pick up your toys or I'm going to have you deported!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has some advice for my children, and that is do not get involved with these anti Trump prophets or you will regret it.

I listen to the Rense guests, and he tries to moderate, but some are so extreme that I wonder how many dupes they are going to instigate and take down with them.

Mitchell Hendersen has gone over the edge. He is stating Trump is the anti Christ. No Donald Trump is not the anti Christ. The Bible states plainly that the Beast is ridden  by the city of 7 Hills, which is Rome. There will be a 7th reincarnation of an empire formed from 10 nations. The United States has not dissolved 6 times and is not going to be part of a 10 nation empire based in Rome.

Another Mike Flynn, Peter Navarro, Jew lover is Keleigh Nelson, a rather emotional gal, and she is a nice person, but she thinks she knows too much and she is all up Trump's ass about his appointments all being evil, and will not listen to anything other than her fixation.

Mr. President, Who On Earth Is Vetting Your MAGA
Appointees? - Read The Grim Facts! - Pt 2 - Nelson

Obsession with anti Christ and fixation with evil, and now I desire you to look at these headlines.

'We will use NUCLEAR weapons if a mass enemy
missile or UAV is launched towards Russia or when
these weapons cross into Russian territory' - Putin

Trump - 'We have never been closer to WW3
than we are today'

Did Trump Cave to Pro-Israel Neocons?
Is Grass Green?

Trump Confirms He Will Use Military Assets
to Deport Invaders

Trump intends to declare a state of emergency in US
and deploy the army to combat invaders

God had put the Carl Sandberg history of Abraham Lincoln before me. I have just completed the first volume and am attempting to provide insights here for your understanding in what was Lincoln, mirrors a great deal now.

Most of you have no idea what the Constitution is or says. The President does have power to suspend legal rights for people in courts during insurrection or extreme circumstances. Newsweek thought they had Trump in the calling out the military and a national emergency.........he replied TRUE. The warning in all of this is, the types of actions this blog advocated for Mr. Trump to be successful, he is going to engage in them now, as he is putting in people who have an axe to grind and are going to take the levers of government.

This is the warning for all of you. The world has changed and you do not know it yet, and you do not want to leave texts which challenge this or are mouthing off about the President elect or his people. Once these massive gears of government begin churning, they chew people up like Jan6 and they will not stop for years.

So you do not want to be on lists or associating with these people spouting off as things have changed.

There are allot of people just like you, who have been assaulted these past years. Allot of them are going to have guns in police and military and they are going to take things a step further as they always do than the President elect would order.

If the left does a Jan6, that is going to provide the insurrection clause and then it all changes for everyone.

With Abraham Lincoln, he was benevolent in letting southern sympathizers free, but Sec. of War Staton still had special authority by the military to throw people into prison on his orders without any court. The military court begins when the civil courts no longer function. Obama weaponized them and they are dysfunctional. It would be a conclusion that the minute these courts attempt to put restraints on Trump policies, they will be voided and the shift will take place to the military court to get the job done.

After what we have been put through, this country would not last with Obama extremism in erase and replacement of Americans. Flowers and sunshine are not going to fix this. This is going to take obedience to the laws, and the laws not providing protection anymore to be manipulated by the people who got America into this shit hole. We have a number of well meaning people who are biased and prejudiced like all of us, and they intend to save their country. You do not want to get in the way of this.

As Mikhail Gorbachev in frustration told Russians, "If you do not have anything which helps fix this situation, then shut up". If you notice, this Lame Cherry always seeks to help in providing solutions. I do not attack the coming administration, but make notes of things which are not in line with the things Donald Trump has espoused. For example a Treasury pick was thinking tariffs were a trade negotiating point and Mr. Trump is not horse trading with tariffs, so that is a disconnect and a deviation from what Mr. Trump would want accomplished which should be addressed.

You are going to see things which are going to stun you, because we have been so conditioned that we are the sheep in the pen being prowled around and the predators get to eat us.  I can read the Mexicans in the ones here, someone is telling them that their corporate employers are not going to let anything happen to them. That is a challenge to President elect Trump and Border Czar Tom Homan. In the food chain, some meat packer in South Dakota who owns Kristi Noem can call her up and try to manipulate things for their benefit, and when she attempts this, she will be informed that she either does her job or someone else will. The packer will not have their calls answered and this troublemaker will come on the ICE list and be raided non stop which will displease the Chinese owners who will have to put people in charge who understand the situation has changed.

I was in the grocery with TL, and watching this Mexican mama, and her kid on the floor howling as she attempted to shop. She was at the check out with her "card", and the checkers were busy apparently doing WICK exchanges. She was busy on her cell phone as something was not working on that magic Biden card anymore.
The money is running out and this invasion is not being enabled any more. Things are changing and Tom Homan and his family had to flee their home due to death threats. He is going to remember the threats and this is going to spur him on to be thorough. Loud chattering Mexicans are not doing themselves any favors, any more than Mitchell Hendersen braying about things. The advice is to go along to get along. It is silent running and you salute the flag they offer and now is not the time to be posting stupid things which are forever or to be screaming about things you do not like in the next few years, as things are changing and it is best to shut it.

You may not like what is going to be going on, but you sure did not like what we were being erased with. So again, shut it.

Nuff Said

