Friday, December 6, 2024

The Ghost


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I only did a short review of this shooting of the insurance guy in New York, and read Hal Turner and other sleuths speculations and that is why I'm venturing into this as what they are saying is not what the evidence is revealing.

For some reason, these people of Hollywood culture think everyone who has a repressor is some hit man, named Guido and this was all set up in some spaghetti place with a guying singing Santa Lucia.

What strikes me about this assassin, and I will explain the difference between and assassin, a murderer and a killer, is that he looks like he has done this before. That does not mean he was trained. That means this looks like he has gone through these motions before. This is not the video of the shooter at Butler. This is something different.

I will not waste time building suspense. As you do not get experience shooting people in America or civilization, the only likely spot is that FOX news and Biden sanctioned mercenary recruitment in Ukraine. That is what this looks like. This looks like someone who has been in a war zone and they had experience in shooting people in the back.

If you watch this person, he comes in from a rear angle, and was accomplished enough that the target did not have any red alarms go off. The shooter is comfortable with a person on the street standing there in not being concerned in being seen nor that this other person might interfere. This is prior experience and a focus on the situation.

I view the situation with the gun differently than what the police have stated that he had experience in taking a jam out of semi auto pistol. Yes he has experience, but if you watch the gun, it starts with the cartridges being fired, to tell you a story.

The first shot at 6 seconds produces a very large puff of smoke. The next two shots this guy is working the action, except what appears on the 3rd shot. In jams a semi auto tends to stove pipe, meaning it jams with the spent casing standing straight up, or it goes crossways. These are simple brush and clear the action. The shooter is not doing that. It looks like he has a jamming problem in the casing is not extracting.

This is important as the weapon this shooter has, without my having any way to enlarge the photo, looks a great deal like a Makarov pistol with silencer.

That is a USSR pistol and there would be a great number of them in Ukraine that a Sean Hannity patriot would have access to in going to fight against evil Putin. You will not we have not been informed yet what caliber this pistol is, which is not normal. If this is a Ukraine round, then this opens up a huge hornet's nest of what this guy was doing with this type of weapon in the United States.

Now to the non speculation. There is no such thing as a non silenced firearm. They make noise. The buzz word now is SUPPRESSOR, not silencer. The reason the suppressor is used is that it suppresses sound and to further suppress sound, manufacturers will put in low powder cartridges as less powder means less noise. There is a side effect of this in less noise in these pistols run on spring or gas to work the action. Low power rounds in a semi auto will not eject a casing, but leave it jammed in the chamber or action. Exactly as you witness what is taking place.

In my analysis, the first shot is some specialized round of low power, it smokes, but was designed to be lethal at short range as there is not allot of foot pounds in these rounds and are only short distance weapons. The second round does not smoke, but it appears to hang up too. The third round appears to eject. That would indicate a special assassin round out of Ukraine which the KGB cooked up, another round of more recent manufacture for a follow up and a last round of more power which would eject.

In the first shot the target is hit and hunches up. It looks to be high in the back, but he staggers in time, which could indicate a rib was hit and it shocked the spinal column. The target though is not on his feet long, so the bullet appears to have taken out some major arterial plumbing above the heart. No blood pressure and the human goes down in seconds. The Russians in World War II when Frank Roosevelt was calling Joe Stalin his friend, were manufacturing explosive bullets. The German snipers would find them and use the 7.62 to blow the brains out of Russians in retaliation. John Hinkley hit Reagan with an explosive 22 round which did not explode in Reagan's lung, probably due to lack of velocity and a car door deflection.

The shooter then fires a second round as the target is down and then a 3rd round, which again is experience. To be blunt, training in the United States and you can see the bin Laden actor getting his head canoed in, is that an assassin hits the target and double taps with one to the skull to be sure. This shooter is quite comfortable in his first shot killed. Is comfortable with clearing rounds and closing on target to pump two more rounds into the body, and is comfortable enough to have walked so close that if he was wrong, the dead guy could have reached out, grabbed him and caused all kinds of problems.

None of this happened and the shooter did not walk up and shoot the guy in the head as insurance. Experience would have taught this shooter that doing that would make a brain bit mess like John Kennedy.

You can watch the video from Hal Turner.

Meet you on the other side.

In Forensic Psychology, like the DC Piper, all of this concludes that this shooter was prepared. He knew the target in seeing him before, knew where he would be, knew the street was not busy, knew he could approach from left rear side on the street.
He was not rushed and could have cared less that a person was standing there and could have interfered.

He had a bicycle positioned the  right distance. He knew to ride to Central Park to get lost and he knew how to disappear like the DC Piper who the FBI still has on the loose.

For that reason, the Lame Cherry doubts this shooter dropped some phone. I would suspect he knew the cameras would show his exit and he planted that phone there to be a big FU to law enforcement in a false trail.

This is my analysis and only based on what has been before the public. We had two of these Ukraine connected volunteers take aim at the Republican nominee and as far as I know the one is still missing in Butler who contracted with the CIA.

My first reaction in this when everyone was saying "assassin" was that this was a guy whose family had been wiped out by this insurance company being beasty. The problem arises in the preparation this shooter took as an assassin, not as a killer, not as a murderer bent on revenge. He wrote words on his bullets. He wanted this to be known why the event was done. If he wanted to be found, he would have stayed and shot it out. There are photos of his face though and that would not fit the profile of preparation. This looks more like someone who thinks he is going to get away with this, because somewhere in this idiot Fox Hannity call to war against Russia or this Hunter Biden kickbacks to the family as Black Rock cleans up the profits, gained experience, and in some connection with someone he happened upon or knew, had a family member who was abused by this insurance company and he offered to handle the situation, meaning someone had some money to invest from the life insurance or the stocks cashed in, and they are not going to say a word about who they made payment to.

I of course could be wrong, but I'm seeing things which do not fit what the conclusions have been stated.

I doubt this person is in country. That is why his face being shown did not matter. He got the 30 pieces and is cocking off as a merc hero.

Nuff Said
