Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Warning of Sanctuary


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As General William Tecumseh Sherman noted in a letter to the Mayor of Atlanta, how he had to feed Southern families abandoned in war and how he had witnessed thousands of women and children fleeing with bloody feet before the Southern military and their raping followers, there is another recording of an operation in Alabama which the current Sanctuary City Mayors should take note of.

General Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel, a rather inventive genius and railroad engineer was commissioned to a command in the Tennessee. Early in 1862 AD in the year of our Lord, he marched into Alabama and destroyed the railroads, burned the cars, locomotives, bridges and fought small engagements. He reported on May 1st to Sec. of War Stanton that only the Stars and Stripes floated over Northern Alabama.

Mitchel though asked for the authority in this to execute his own men. This may sound bizarre, but what had taken place in Alabama was that his army was out of control. It literally was mass raping, plundering, burning down everything and robbing everyone. It was like the South, vagabonds and brigands attached to his command.

Mitchel was approached by the Alabamans for justice, but upon investigating, he told them, "Give me an officer, a name, but I can not bring to a civil or military court, an entire brigade to be shot". The problem was that widespread once the lawless rapine took over in this conflict.

The Lame Cherry has warned of this from the start. Most people are unaware that Abraham Lincoln was preparing if need be for a generational revolution, a war of decades in which an entire age group of the South was going to have to be exterminated as the South was not going to give up. This was well known in the Government and people spoke of the long war in England, then the still revolution in France eating her alive. People knew that in America, an extermination might be coming as a necessity.

While no one could find an instance of hardship in the North that war was being waged, the same instance is in the United States present after the Obama riots of BLM and ANTIFA. There is another paid organized insurrection being fomented and Mayors in Denver and Governors in Illinois are speaking police forces engaged against Federal Law Enforcement. That is the warning of the Lame Cherry. You do not ever want the police or the government to become engaged in anything as we have witnessed the rapine of the police state which Obama and Clinton unleashed on Americans for this entire time in people held in prison without trial and some being murdered or dying of suicide.

Those idiots who think they are protected from the past violations of rights they have assaulted, and then protected invader criminals, are now setting a stage where the entire situation has changed and is why this blog has spoken of Abraham Lincoln as a dictator, because we are facing the same reality now. This does not mean that Lincoln's actions were cruel or inhumane, but it means when the civil courts are protecting lawlessness and the police state is hunting down Americans, that the President has Constitutional Authority to act in that type of insurrection against the Constitution. This then moves to the Patriot Act and to the US Military Tribunals. When the courts cease protecting, the military courts become the law of the land.

No more injunctions stopping a Border Czar deportation or any of the stalemate before which the Obama clique performed. This is now an issue of law enforcement and you do not have to ship people off to Cuba to hold them, as Lincoln shipped them to New York in LaFayette Prison, as the page had turned and the Constitution had been activated.

You do not want federal or state anything in your communities. There are always followers who appear and begin to pillage as once the boot begins it's march it tramples as the Jan6 murdered discovered in being beaten and shot by police.

What will happen is like Dwight Eisenhower, like John Kennedy in Civil Rights, like with Abraham Lincoln. This will all be fededralized and the states and cities will be ordered to stand down, and when they  think they can glam for a camera, that camera will indict them as the media is going to be moved upon too. No more multi millionaire elitists condemning America or they will be out in the cold.

That is the warning of Sanctuary
