As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I loathe with a hatred these gold worshippers, in their constant refrain to sell all you have and buy gold as it is thee only thing which will save you. The new angle in this was from the Durden Bros at Zerohedge with a pest named Nick Gambrino.......or whatever, as it is some Italian and no one gives a shit what an Italian has to say unless they are in the mafia.
Here are the quotes and in this Nick Spew, inflation is really good as it means it will price things out so you can buy things at cheap dollar levels. NEVER MIND THAT YOU CAN'T PAY YOUR BILLS WITH THIS GODDAMN INFLATION NOW, because Nick Spew has bastardized Jubilees which willl have Biden and I suppose Trump forgiving all kinds of debt from student loans to credit card loans.
(Nick Spew forgets that Donald Trump is going to drop credit card interest rates so people will have to pay back these loans.)
Here goes the bullshit which mean if you buy gold you will be safe as even that bald headed Armstrong boob was doing fear porn as in Florida hurricanes he could not get at his coins in the bank and you needed cash.
Oh forget cash, as Nick Spew fear porns that you will lost it all to banks seizing it and cash is going to be worthless so you better own shit like gold, artwork, property which won't buy a loaf of bread, but you will be rich, rich, RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All it takes is a President’s pen stroke to wipe out hundreds of billions in debt.
The student loan jubilee will set a powerful precedent.
I don’t think it will be long before we see a credit card jubilee, a car loan jubilee, or even a mortgage jubilee.
How will the government pay for all these jubilees?
Raising taxes enough to cover them seems improbable.
Issuing more debt to cancel other debts would be contradictory.
That leaves money printing as the only viable option.
This is why future debt jubilees will pour “gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning.”
But it’s not just consumer debt that’s unsustainable. The biggest problem is the US government’s federal debt—a much larger issue looming on the horizon.
The Federal Debt Endgame: A Coming Crisis
The US federal government has the largest debt in the history of the world—and it’s growing at a rapid, unstoppable pace.
In short, the US government is fast approaching its financial endgame.
Here’s why…
Today, the US federal debt has gone parabolic, amounting to over $36 trillion.
To put it in perspective, if you earned $1 per second 24/7/365—about $31 million per year—it would take over 1,148,531 years to pay off the US federal debt.
And that assumes the debt stops growing, which it won’t.
The growth rate is not even going to slow down. It’s going to increase exponentially.
The truth is, the debt will keep piling up unless Congress makes some politically impossible decisions to cut spending.
For example, tens of millions of Baby Boomers—about 22% of the population—will enter retirement in the coming years. Cutting Social Security and Medicare is a sure way to lose an election.
With the most precarious geopolitical situation since World War 2, defense spending is unlikely to be cut. Instead, defense spending is all but certain to increase.
Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently said: “Barely staying even with inflation or worse is wholly inadequate. Significant additional resources for defense are necessary and urgent.”
In short, efforts to reduce expenditures will be meaningless unless it becomes politically acceptable to make chainsaw-like cuts to entitlements, national defense, and welfare while reducing the national debt to lower the interest cost.
In other words, the US would need a leader who—at a minimum—returns the federal government to a limited Constitutional Republic, closes the 128 military bases abroad, ends entitlements, kills the welfare state, and repays a large portion of the national debt.
However, that’s a completely unrealistic fantasy. It would be foolish to bet on that happening.
In short, the US government is trapped. It’s game over.
They have no choice but to “reset” the system—that’s what governments do when they are trapped.
How Will the US Reset the System?
Nobody knows for sure. But I’d bet a debt jubilee of biblical proportions will be a major part of it.
So then, how will the US government repudiate its impossible federal debt burden?
My guess is that they won’t be explicit. That would look too much like a default. It would destroy the role of the US as the center of the world’s financial system.
Given a choice, I don’t think the US government would choose immediate self-destruction. Since power does not relinquish itself voluntarily, we should presume they’ll decide to stealthily implement their federal debt jubilee through inflation.
Inflation benefits debtors, allowing them to borrow in dollars and repay in dimes.
And since the US government is the biggest debtor in the history of the world, it stands to gain the most from inflation.
Inflation: The Ultimate Debt Jubilee
That’s why I believe the federal debt jubilee will come in the form of a massive wave of inflation.
The coming debt jubilees could wipe out trillions in liabilities while unleashing previously unimaginable inflation.
That could trigger the largest wealth transfer in history.
Remember, debt doesn’t exist within a vacuum. It’s a liability for the borrower and an asset for the lender.
Those storing wealth in government currencies, bonds, and other paper assets will be the biggest losers.
Debtors and owners of scarce, unencumbered, hard assets will be the big winners.
It’s certainly not a just outcome.
Prudent savers shouldn’t have to pay for the excesses of debtors.
But notions of what is just or not didn’t stop Biden’s student loan jubilee—and they won’t stop the coming jubilees.
Prepare Now for the Coming Reset
Although it will be an unfortunate outcome for many people, there is simply nothing anyone can do now.
The debt levels have already reached a critical point, and the government may soon see jubilees as a politically expedient option.
That’s why it’s crucial to recognize the reality of this Big Picture and position yourself accordingly.
That means owning scarce and valuable assets that are not simultaneously someone else’s liability.
Crucially, this excludes fiat currency in bank accounts.
Remember, fiat currency is the unbacked liability of a bankrupt government.
Further, once you deposit currency into a bank, it is no longer yours. Technically and legally, it is the bank’s property, and what you own instead is an unsecured liability of the bank.
In an era of jubilees in which debts are wiped clean, you won’t want to be on the other end of unsecured liabilities or IOUs of any kind.
Ok you survived the above bullshit which makes no sense at all.
I can not believe the flat brains as they are so just fucktard in all of this. Donald Trump, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, that Fag French Treasury Fag, all have been signaling what they are going to do. There will be a stock plunge to absorb all that Obama fake money. There will be exports of these invaders which will expand resources for deflation. There is going to be bitcoin mining, to create a wealth fund, in America owning the biggest share to manipulate it, which will fund all this debt out of existence.
Yes the big banks are going to print money like whores shed pubes, but that is Europe where a Depression is setting in along with Asia in this BRICS war. Europe as before Hitler is going to have to inflate prices to jack shit levels, but that leaves the United States as a lender and forgiver of debts, to gain control.
This is the Board at work. This will work and the Germans know how to operate with money. Martin Bormann was a financial genius, during and after the war. This is breaking the Anglo Bulan money pawn shop scheme and establishing the Saxon System.
I have told you that Ronald Reagan achieved this with Hank Paulson and William Casey. The problem is much worse now, but Donald Trump has at his disposal even greater leverage and options to fix this. The point of all this is, is to put the Saxons in control, obliterate the other competitors and you gain control of the hegemony by coining it, and by coining it, you f*ck BRICS over which is based on two commodities which are deflationary in gold and oil, in how BRICS operates. A strong Dollar as the trade currency wipes out gold and oil, and when the Dollar inflates, you don't give a shit about imports, because the bigger game is, the investors with Dollars are buying gold up for tinsel prices and oil is going to go for..........less than a jug of water.
I see how this system will operate and for the short term, in the hope that Christ returns, this is a great opportunity for the Protestant Christian. The Board can make this work as they did for Hitler and as they did for Reagan, because Hitler's venue required forced labor in the camps. As this blog has noted, Donald Trump is getting rid of the slave labor in labor and is focusing on bringing in tech cut and paste from India. This is HIGH TECH manufacturing economies in robotics, all the stuff Elon Musk is moonscaping around with.
I want to see Elon Musk, initiate President Donald Trump, now that Ford is bending at the butt for Trump to force Ford to put out affordable, carburetor gas engine, Mustangs and F 100's from 1966, no computers. The same goes for Case and John Deere in Case returns the H, M and 560 series and John Deere runs up the 4400 series of diesels as Bobby Kennedy's group establishes small farmers again.
What can come from this is a short era of peace, America not being a target of war or terrorism, a shift to a German negotiated world, and a Golden Age as what Hitler and Reagan established. Those who are telling you to buy gold are uninformed. Gold has to be broken to shatter BRICS and bring Russia and China to heel.
I do not believe this is a Board con. I believe the Board wants to be at the front of this again, and it needs America as a funding source for Europe Empire and as a weapon building source for this protectorate. That is why Mr. President was established. This is not American centric. This is Berlin and Rome and it will work. Mr. Trump can spin his yarn in thee Americans and establish a stronghold there and benefit all of this as the Eurasians clash this out. It was pure treason when the New York bankers sold America out to the Pawn Shop Bulan of empire France and England in two world wars. America belongs not in the fight, but as a supply hub that all benefit from, and that includes trade with Russia.
This is how this will work out. The Lame Cherry is thee only source by God's Grace explaining all of this now for months. It is the best Protestant Christian option and this will work without these flat brains talking of dinosaur economics of fiat currencies. That age has passed as certain as bank notes replaced gold centuries ago.
The fools are the fools who have been fooled by gold.
- Lame Cherry.
This blog was the first to write of the Jubilee. I will not have God's Inspiration bastardized by gold whores.
Nuff Said