As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Am interested of the echoes of this popular girl in what is being heard in the Trump Doctrine.
Jan. 9, 2022 AD in the year of our Lord
One should get the point by now, that when someone named Obama strangles the American economy, loots the Treasury for payoffs to cronies, divides up GM for unions, enslaves Mexicans, bribes the Democratic Congress for rationed death and pollutes the entire Gulf of America, that it is all a pattern of criminality which surpasses the most murderous despots in history, and Obama is not done yet.
At a Tuesday press conference, which covered a wide range of topics, President-elect Trump announced that his administration would be renaming the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America.”
I'm all for the Trump Doctrine. Just fascinated in the matrix if these are echoes of a girl or the same fork being invented at different times.
Nuff Said