As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is something which this Lame Cherry is honestly being rectified as since the Bush, Clinton and Obama era, the American people have been financially raped by cheap money for the rich to the importation of Chinese wares which are substandard and break. Ford was notorious for building vehicles with defects like fuel pumps, there is the reality of making everything to wear out that furnaces, washing machines to stoves all are in the junk pile in under 5 years. This is a swindle and it was organized by the feudal few. There was a time in America where washing machines lasted 25 years and so did everything else, and if it broke, you could fix it on your front porch or lawn.
A like era appeared in the Lincoln war, but it was deemed the AGE OF SHODDY.
Published from the New York World in 1863 AD in the year of our Lord.
The world has witnessed an iron age, it's silver age, it's golden age, and it's brazen age, This is the age of shoddy.
There used to be, and must be restored in American industry, products which are built to last and which can be fixed by anyone with a brain. A computer does not belong in your washing machine nor wifi to tell from your cell phone to wash clothes.
It is the hope that Elon Musk will lead in this, in cutting spending from the US Treasury which is rewarding this rapine of Americans, and ending these EPA and other regulations which were part of the California hostage taking of America with things so complex they can not last in the real world.
The Pentagon is overflowing with trillion dollar disasters. The F 35 is supposed to be invisible.........Russia can see it. The B 2 is a global takes 12 hours of repairs to fly it one our, you can not fight a war with things like this. The new Dark Eagle missile is too expensive to build, test and the Russians have a faster and better missile in the Hazel.
This is designed piracy and robbery. There once was a time when Andrew Carnegie made his money crushing foreign steel nations and providing high paying jobs to Americans, as did Henry Ford and NONE OF IT CAME FROM THE US TREASURY.
In this 21st Obama century, it is hoped that it becomes the Trump Century and America is led away from this Age of Shitty, to the Golden Age of Trump.
As in the past, these new billionaires are disgusting. No one wants to see these dictators in Bill Gates to Alex Soros, injecting our kids, overthrowing our laws or telling us we have to eat bugs so they can control us and profit off of our misery.
"The new brownstone palaces of 5th Avenue, the new equipages at the Park, the new diamonds which dazzle unaccustomed eyes, the new silks and satins which rustle overloudly, as if to demand attention, the new people who live in the palaces, and ride in the carriages, and wear the diamonds and silks are all shoddy. From devil's dust they sprang and unto devil's dust shall they return.
They set or follow the shoddy fashions, and fondly imagine themselves a la mode de Paris, when they are ala mode de shoddy. They are shoddy brokers in Wall Street, or shoddy manufacturers of shoddy goods, or shoddy contractors for shoddy articles for a shoddy government. Six days in the week they are shoddy businessmen. On the seventh day they are shoddy Christians".
"The alarm over this was the sudden parade of traders and gamblers suddenly tumbled into streams of ready money, a new class of upstarts in wealth, social interlopers so naïve in throwing cash at the birds that they had wealth and none of the social dignity and wealth of the older and approved aristocracy."
This destruction of America by Bush fam China. This destruction of America by Clinton union breaking. This destruction of America by Obama invasion to erase and replace Americans must stop as this is our last opportunity under Donald Trump.
Ford is giving money to Donald Trump. It is more than money which is needed in the end of WOKE, the end of California cars, and Ford needs to start making vehicles which last which America can afford and Americans can repair themselves. Ford still owes me for a Ford Ranger in that designed 600 dollar bill of bad fuel pumps. I'm not going to forget this, no more than the swindles of Chinese shit goods brought into American, stealing American's money.
We must demand the Golden Age of Trump and end this rapine of America, whether it is Exxon stealing our natural gas to fire electric plants so Exxon can mine bitcoin off or our resources and not paying us, to this endless Pentagon money laundering, USDA money laundering and the Post Office stealing our packages as they are at war with Fed Ex.
There must be a Trump Executive Order to protect Americans from these Shitty Products. You don't get to Black Rock seize homes and price Americans out of their ability to buy homes. That is theft and these billionaires belong in prison with the wealth confiscated and returned to Americans if they pull this shit.
There must be in this Trump presidency the end of the Age of Shitty.
Nuff Said