As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is a reality which the world has to face in the Mideast. For two generations, the Arab Peoples there have been dislodged, occupied and losers. They produced a very stoic and focused offspring in the 3rd and 4th generations, and now what Tel Aviv, with the Kaganites have conditioned is a 5th generation of Arabic Christian Muslim Sociopaths.
Let me explain from personal experience.
My dad was born in a very poor time in America. His family could not feed him, so they shipped him off to an Aunt at age 5. That trauma in not understanding why he was abandoned, so scarred him, that he never developed socially. He had weakness for addictions, and he was a bully. He was a sociopath in only he could feel pain and the rest of the world were wall ornaments.........unless they were experiencing something which had also harmed him, then he had empathy.
That is what took place in America, without genocide, war, holocaust and what we have now is hundreds of thousands of displaced children, who had their pets killed or abandoned, have seen rape by Tel Avi, torture by Tel Aviv and murder. Their families have died.
Tel Aviv has created hundreds of thousands of sociopaths which the world, the Western World is going to have to deal with, and this is the world that Miriam Adelson has donated herself into, a world where Tel Aviv Jewry thinks it is the lone voice of dictatorship in what Jews should submit to.
This is 50 years, a world where Miriam Adelson's family is going to have to deal with what was done in the past years to Arabs in the Mideast and all it has done is made this group more focused and dispersed them more throughout the world.
Blinken Admits Hamas Recruited As Many
Fighters As It Lost In Bombardment
We witnessed in the bin Laden era, what happens when the geniuses invite in the Obama crowd from the 3rd world and educate them and elevate them. Obama was drone nuts in killing everyone. We saw the bin Laden group branching out to terrorism with biological and nuclear weapons. We have before us yet, a number of pro Muslim access nations, from America, France, England, Pakistan who are educating these peoples and another group of engineers, biologists and chemists are going to be trained, and have government access to the dangerous weapons of mass destruction stockpiles of ingredients and they will be initiating retaliation, including cyber and AI warfare, as China is going to be the focus of this conflict and China will need proxies for the fight.
It is a given that Miriam Adelson became involved in politics due to her husband. She wanted to do something good for her people and it looks like arrest what has been destroying the Jewish reputation around the world.
She now is a major stakeholder in global politics and in that politic, she has hundreds of thousands of sociopaths embedded in locations around the globe. This is not a concentration of Arabs in the Mideast which could be nuked to deal with this. This is diaspora in Paris, Detroit, Ottawa, London, Berlin, and there is not any way to put this gen back into the bottle.
I always try to assist here and I would offer Miriam Adelson the advice in she has to rebrand the Jews. This bullshit of anti semitism and bills to prosecute Americans for saying Jews are wrong or that Jesus was killed by Jews is not helping the brand. Mrs. Adelson should revisit history in President Herbert Hoover, who was in Europe after World War I, and he fed the orphans there in a massive aid organization he ran. Miriam Adelson for the American Jew is going to have to raise billions of dollars to become "their Arab keepers" or those Arabs will rise up to mass murder American Jewry. There is no longer the Rob Reiner Christophobe luxury of ranting about the evils of people on the Right. Every Jew in America is going to have to become the funder and benefactor of these Arabs, so those Arabs who are now created sociopaths do not look upon the United States or Jews as someone they must retaliate against. The sins of the Kaganites can not mark the American Jews. The only way to stop this is American Jews are going to have to become the advocate for Arabs and not themselves and work tirelessly to uphold their wards or the Jews of America will become WMD targets. It is only logical projection as this is exactly what took place in America when Tel Aviv foreign policy ran DC policy in the terrorism came into the United States.
Jews must produce the 30 pieces for a Hoover Program for Arabs in the Mideast and be seen by these Arabs as their protectors and advocates.
This is more than Miriam Adelson ever thought she would buy into, but she is probably the one woman in Jewry who can become a Golda Mier in representing Arabs as an honest broker from the Trump Administration.
Nuff Said