Thursday, January 16, 2025

Trump Weather

The sun always shines on a God blessed People.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mr. President Elect, the Lame Cherry featured that HAARP created a huge cold front to smash into the Great Plains and then move east to ruin your inauguration. The AI models are mixed now in what was a nice day, is now a sunny 31 degree day following some warmth and spitting rain.

I do not know what the people behind HAARP want, you inside or outside. I can only state that  the Lame Cherry was trying to produce a nice day for your inauguration, so you would enjoy it with the Vice President Elect.

This has to be brought up as with Abraham Lincoln, he paid the hogs in his trough who helped him with policy. In 2015, the Holy Ghost alerted me that a Jehu was coming. I had no idea this was you at the time, but stated it later that you would be President and wrote the time line for this to take place which was blessed by God.

For this, I got a 25 dollar donation from some Trump person in Texas. For this, Facebook cancelled me and for this I got Homeland out here interviewing me over examining what other Remote Viewers were engaged in. For this Google censored me.

In all 3 of your runs for President, this blog supported you, and has been like all Americans bothered by the cop state after 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

This time, it appears that some of your people are again monitoring the blog and building upon the policies here and the Board is progressing this, but this hog is not really getting to the trough.

Do you think someone might put a tap into your money bags benefactors and find my 30 pieces for work done? It is degrading to beg for things, as much as the lurkers on this blog apparently are inclined to not pay their way here in the trust policy I have.

Lincoln seemed to find a way to hand out things to people who came to him, especially those who had a stake in the game. Just want some moneybags to set up a recurring donation to help stop the struggle I go through.

That is about it. The Lame Cherry and the family here, prays for your and Mr. Vance's safety, a nice day, and all success for American peace and prosperity in this Christian Protestant Nation under God.

I will continue to try and assist in policy suggestions and modifications when so Inspired for God's Will to be accomplished. I sincerely hope you are so beloved and wonderful that you get your own mountain out in the Black Hills with your likeness carved on it. The Shrine to America Restored.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
