As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is the last weekend of the year as I compose this by the Holy Ghost and the reality is, if you are a Protestant Christian and not having a bad time of it most of the time, then it is a fact that you are not a Protestant Christian, because satan and this world hates you as much as it did Jesus, and as much as King David was persecuted for most of his life in the Lord.
We think God does not hear us. We see others having wonderful lives and wonder why they have good things and we suffer. It is about growing the Spirit of the Lord in us to a Glory to the Father as apparently good times does not stretch the soul in growing Spirit and it does not provide the working platform to prove that we are more than just words mumbled in loving God. You love God when you have a horseshit life for years upon years and you stay in the Gospel of Christ and are not off being a devil whore in selling eternal Life for a gold covered few years hear.
Meet you on the other side.
Psalm 74
19Do not deliver the soul of Your dove to beasts;
do not forget the lives of Your afflicted forever.
20Consider Your covenant,
for haunts of violence fill the dark places of the land.
21Do not let the oppressed retreat in shame;
may the poor and needy praise Your name.
22Rise up, O God; defend Your cause!
Remember how the fool mocks You all day long.
23Do not disregard the clamor of Your adversaries,
the uproar of Your enemies that ascends continually.
We are instructed to Hear and Obey God. We are instructed to place God first and to actively care of others to show God's Mercy. We are instructed to have God avenge us and to let go of the harm others have inflicted upon us, so God will avenge.
I can tell you that there is a teacher who abused me when I was 7 years old. That horrid person is still alive after decades and that prick actually tries to make contact with me now as I'm popular and he is just a noisy jerk who gets in the way. I'm waiting on that from God and it bothers me, frustrates me as I seem to have an expanding list of people who need reckoning from God. I do not though forget two distant cousins who in the past year endangered our lives, worked against us, and in the end one rotted from cancer and the other just pulled the tubes in the hospital out and committed suicide by starvation. That is God's avenging as God is thorough. It seems if someone comes at me in the work that God is doing through me, God moves quicker. Others like the teacher are more just a constant thorn to the heart in God seeing if I keep with Him in the affliction.
Each of us in our misery though has to remember the Good that God does for us, even in mountain of hurt is out there shadowing us with discomfort. We have to remind ourselves of the time line. Figure we live 100 years. That sounds like a long time. I was telling TL on the 5 miles of road here, I'm the only one left since I was a child. Every homestead has changed hands. That is how short life is. I once heard a person explain eternity, in if a dove carried a drop of water out of all the oceans, every 1000 years, until they were empty. That would only be an instant in eternity.
So trading your life for gold, or addictions, sex, popularity for a few short years, or abandoning God for what we do not have the full picture here now is ridiculous when compared to how long we have in Peace, Joy, Love with God in Heaven in the new world to come. I know how hard this is. I have been getting the same shit you have in COVID, being hunted down, being put upon, being endangered, struggling and I hate the struggle from HAARP pissy weather to the robbing of our money. Things are much worse now than any time in history, but you keep your head in Christ, and you hang on with Jesus doing the carrying and you remember that the short time here is nothing compared to the eternity of rest which is prepared for us.
That is not to state that God does not remember us and is not going to not avenge us or reward us in this life with Him. He will get it done. I was just praying for my enemies this morning for God to tear off the delusions they have in how wonderful they are and to see and feel what they really are in evil. That is for their repentance which is not going to happen in their hard hearts and their spots not changing. It is reality though in they will suffer in all of this and not have the cake walk they are on while I'm struggling. I have fulfilled my part in God's direction to pray for my enemies, to do good to them when they chase my cattle through the fence, and then order me to fix the fence, I fix it, do not return evil for evil and I hope I please God in another example that I'm really trying to be Christ's.
God bless each of you in my children with Goodness and God move the brats to repent to become suitable children of God in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.
Nuff Said