Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Absolute Rights and Rationed Authority in America

For the first time in his life, Calhoun encountered serious, advanced, and well-organized intellectual dialogue that could shape his mind. Yale was dominated by President Timothy Dwight, a Federalist who became his mentor. Dwight's brilliance entranced (and sometimes repelled) Calhoun.

Biographer John Niven says:

Calhoun admired Dwight's extemporaneous sermons, his seemingly encyclopedic knowledge, and his awesome mastery of the classics, of the tenets of Calvinism, and of metaphysics. No one, he thought, could explicate the language of John Locke with such clarity.

Dwight repeatedly denounced Jeffersonian democracy, and Calhoun challenged him in class. Dwight could not shake Calhoun's commitment to republicanism. "Young man," retorted Dwight, "your talents are of a high order and might justify you for any station, but I deeply regret that you do not love sound principles better than sophistry—you seem to possess a most unfortunate bias for error." Dwight also expounded on the strategy of secession from the Union as a legitimate solution for New England's disagreements with the national government.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Lincoln said it was ok to kill your wife to save your marriage, while Calhoun said it was ok to kill your husband who had you chained to your bed, starving you. This was the condition of thee American politic in Federal and State, in rationed Constitutional Authority meeting unlimited 10th Amendment Rights.

- Lame Cherry

The following is something I relish in the impossible of Authority meeting Rights which is the US Constitution, which can only operate in this living pendulum swing with moral people who can self police themselves.

The Lame Cherry has invested a great deal of space in the Abraham Lincoln reasoning for the protection of the Union at all costs as the Constitution mandated the Executive, in a State had no absolute Right to destroy the Union, meaning other States to secede from that Union. In simple terms you can not murder your way out of a marriage. This is sound legal reality.

There is though an opposite side to this, and it has never fully been explained nor understood, as it was debated to death by cannon in the Civil War and was espoused by radicals, who had corrupted the original ideals of the Right to Secession.

Secession did not begin in the South, It began in New England. This is the place that the brilliant John C. Calhoun, a then Jefferson Republican of Union was exposed to this idea and argued against it. John Calhoun would be part of the triumvirate of the greatest Congressional leaders in history in Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and himself. They would dominate the Executive and Judicial for decades and Calhoun would be as Andrew Jackson's Vice President, be the one mistake that Jackson made, in he said, "My mistake was not shooting the Vice President".

In the following quote, you will find the base structure of all of this in Secession was not desirable due to the jeopardy it placed the state in, but it was deemed legal. In South Carolina, one of their leading Union men once answered secessionists with the reality of, "South Carolina is too big for an asylum and is too small to be a Republic".

Meet you on the other side

Biographer Margaret Coit argues that:

every principle of secession or states' rights which Calhoun ever voiced can be traced right back to the thinking of intellectual New England ... Not the South, not slavery, but Yale College and Litchfield Law School made Calhoun a nullifier ... Dwight, Reeve, and Gould could not convince the young patriot from South Carolina as to the desirability of secession, but they left no doubts in his mind as to its legality.

What secession was based in was New England being upset it was not a dominating influence in America. What secession was based on in the South was being upset that tariffs which protected the industrialists in the northeast was making the South pay double the penalty for imported goods. Hence the South was being strangled in their States by tariffs, instead of benefiting from them.

This is what this was all about. It never was about Niggers. This was about Southern aristocracy in planters, selling their cotton to New York brokers  who sold it for profit to the White slave mills in England and France, and in this money and power the South dominated the politics of America. The two parties, Democrat and Whig, were Southern Democrat led while the Whig party fractured and destroyed itself. It was in fact the Western Missouri Blair family who were Democrats who were the guiding hand in founding the GOP or Republican Party which put forth abolitionists in John C. Fremont and Abraham Lincoln. This was the weaponizing of Blacks against the Southern domination of politics, which was backed by New York Finance, Industrialists and European Rothschilds and Monarchs as they saw this the way to fracture America into secession to not dominate, but to keep American from her Manifest Destiny as England and France knew the expanding Americans were not going to be just competitors, but dominate Europe and boot the powers out of the New World

This was the war, the industrialists and moneychangers of the North against the Southern political power with Niggers as the weapon to drive the radical abolitionists and the aristocracy of the South which required a Nigger class to be superior over.

This is where in 1830 the first Nullification of harmful federal laws appeared, over tariffs. It would be an even more dirty politics which saw John Quincy Adams, a then friend of John Calhoun, work his way to the presidency in a back room deal for appointments, to which Calhoun would drive the politics of the Senate against Adams, to be defeated by Andrew Jackson, with Jackson ending up with John Calhoun as his Vice President in a devolved politic of morality, when Jackson moved to protect the honor of a woman whose husband killed himself, over charges she was a prostitute. Jackson disliking the dishonor done his own wife was moved to defend, while Calhoun and the wives of the Cabinet wanted nothing to do with this whore.

From that, Calhoun refused to support Jackson's policies which included a crackdown on States threatening to secede. The rift grew, and Jackson threw Calhoun off the ticket for Martin van Buren, and Calhoun would eventually find his way back into the Senate as a driving force for State's Rights, whose bedrock was slavery as Calhoun explained it as the best organized society on earth and the best blessing for the South which God could have bestowed.

Notice in this as you have read along, that we have moved away from tariffs which hurt the South and benefited the North, to the necessity of the Nigger for the South for King Cotton production, for the planters to fuel the Southern political dominance. This evolution does not connect from point A to point B, but this was this political mutant, and by the time John Calhoun was dying in the Senate, his firebrands were busy setting fires in the South for secession where they would rule among the rich elite, because their Democratic party was divided in the 1860 election deliberately, with the South not even voting, so Lincoln was installed as a minority leader, which the South refused to support as the few had led the many into secession fervor, and thus the war began, as South Carolina and other States in nullification, were not going to allow federal forts on their lands to rule them, so in their legality they confiscated all the materials and put these places under siege.

Meet you on the other side.

In the late 1820s, many southerners, but South Carolinians in particular, wanted to abolish the high tariff that Congress passed to protect northern industry, referred to as the Tariff of Abominations. This Tariff directly affected the southern economy as the tariff forced southerners to pay high taxes on goods they did not produce, and it reduced the amount of American cotton sold on the global market. Calhoun wrote an anonymously published pamphlet titled “Exposition and Protest” in December 1828 which protested the tariff and argued if Congress failed to repeal the tariff, South Carolina would secede from the Union. This issue gained new urgency in 1830 with a debate in the Senate, where South Carolina Senator Robert Hayne argued that states had the right to nullify federal laws when it infringed on their rights and since this tariff infringed on South Carolinian’s rights they did not have to submit to this unjust federal authority. Jackson supported states’ rights, but not at the expense of the Union. In fact, Jackson once said he “would rather die in the last ditch than see the union dismantled.” Calhoun refused to waver in his support for South Carolina during the Nullification Crisis and very publicly challenged Jackson’s position at a birthday dinner for President Thomas Jefferson in April 1830, which widened the wedge between Jackson and Calhoun. The rift between Jackson and Calhoun grew again when it came to light that in 1818 while Secretary of War, Calhoun recommended to President Monroe that Jackson be imprisoned for invading Florida. When Jackson asked Calhoun for an explanation, he refused to provide one but rather suggested that van Buren headed a conspiracy against Calhoun to remove him from power. While this conspiracy theory is mostly nonsense, Calhoun dug his own grave by refusing to submit to Jackson’s policies when they conflicted with his own beliefs, van Burren and Jackson grew closer, especially during the Eaton Affair, when van Buren sacrificially resigned his cabinet position thus triggering the resignations of the entire cabinet which enabled Jackson to build a new cabinet from scratch, one that would not be influenced by such petticoat matters.

Jackson and Van Buren successfully ran as a ticket in the Election of 1832 and in December 1832 Calhoun resigned as Vice President to take the Senate seat of his fellow nullifier Robert Hayne. Calhoun served in the Senate until March 1843. In April 1844 Calhoun became Secretary of State under President John Tyler, an anti-Jacksonian Democrat masquerading as a Whig. Calhoun supported the annexation of Texas because he believed expansion was vital for the maintenance of slavery. Calhoun zealously supported slavery and stated that slavery was “the greatest of all the great blessings which a kind Providence has bestowed upon our glorious region” adding that slavery was “the purest, best organization of society that has ever existed on the face of the earth.” Calhoun left his cabinet position in March 1845, a few days after President James Polk’s inauguration and returned to the Senate.

After the Civil War crushed the South, the New York financiers and Northern industrialists dominated the United States. They would produce the corrupt Indian Ring which slaughtered George Custer and his command for speaking out, would move America under socialists Wilson and Roosevelt into two genocide wars against Germany, a competitor of England and France, in the same extermination carried out against the Southern Aristocracy. This would be the "patriotic wars" which slaughtered hosts of White Christians in England, Canada and America, slaughtering Christian Germans, as Russia was the spoil in a dead Czar and a Communist plunder. This would be Dwight Eisenhower's warning of the military industrial complex which at present is the hedgefund globalists in societal corruption with the erasure and replacement of the White and Black races in America, which Donald Trump is attempting to stop.

What emerged victorious in Lincoln's War had nothing in common with what Abraham Lincoln was engaged in, a rather Democrat expansion of Jefferson landowners on farms with booting France and England out of America. The legitimate legal challenge by John Calhoun over tariffs harming the South disappeared too as the South became and still is a colony of New York Finance. It was all black washed with Emancipation and Enslavement. It was all as the first quote by me at the beginning of this, a man has a right to defend himself if his wife is going to murder him and his family. The same holds true in a wife has a right to defend herself if her husband has chained her to a bed and is starving the children and herself. This though devolved into a couple shooting at each other over who was doing the gardening and how they could steal the property from the other.

President Donald Trump is a Lincoln and not a Jefferson Davis, in he is using dictatorial powers to protect America, instead of setting up a dictatorship, which the Constitution does permit in times of invasion and insurrection. Jefferson Davis instead created a junta with himself as dictator in operating in secret beyond the notice of the people

Might is what made right in the Civil War. If the South could have matched the North in military production, they would have won before Grant appeared, if not America would have been depopulated by a French Revolution in a 30 years war. America would have collapsed under slavery as slavery would have been remedied by invention which would have made the Nigger non essential, and the South without New York Finance would have been crippled in not being able to lead an America, which had secessionist fiefdoms down to the counties and would have had to move to suppress that and then rid itself of the Confederacy as Madison and the Founders did, as Europe moved to their own dominance over America.

You have now been presented the opposite of the Lincoln reasoning of the Union with John Calhoun's base protection that a State has the Right to nullify any federal law which is harming that State.

The fact of this is, both Abraham Lincoln and John Calhoun were right in their original positions. This is what Philadelphia compromised in the US Constitution. It was too late to fix this by the time of the Civil War and by that time the North was not willing to buy slaves to freedom which was cheaper and instead wanted money profits for bombs for the South, while the South now held millions of slaves who had lost their billions in value and all of their mechanical worth in being dinosaurs in the making.

I would that more people would read the written word and could understand history not spoon fed them. It is of a necessity in what President Trump is establishing to not repeat the mistakes of the past and to produce a more prefect union which is corrupt at the present from the success, not the failures, of the past.

Nuff Said
