Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Let us enshrine Donald Trump the savior of America


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Admiral Harry Cooper, who had President Ronald Reagan as part of his group called Sharkhunters, an historical group in the study of the Reich, had a wonderful display of photos of grandeur, which should be emulated and repeated for in the modern era, for the reality of the psychology that the human mind loves bigger as it is better and when the sites are so huge, they overwhelm the mind, much as Disney has accomplished.

I feature these photos without prejudice, but as a study and a necessity that our President, must have a match to the greatness of all he will accomplish for the world at large and for Americans first. It should be noted that the Joe Rogan GENS are so advanced that they are not hindered by propaganda and have assessed history without the dogma and prejudice which has been heaped on previous generations. They can look upon the Reich with the same discerning eye as any empire like Rome.

Look upon the pageantry and the beauty of the psychology which the Reich accomplished as never before in history or after. In reality, 47 must have this background for his greatness as Mike Deaver attempted for President Ronald Reagan.

This is how 47 must be framed in beauty and grandeur and procession for all he has accomplished and all he will accomplish by God's Grace and Mercy.

I have studied the fitting tribute to President Donald Trump and such a place exists and this is thee most wonderful of vistas. A coin has a front and back and God has provided the perfect setting for President Donald Trump in one can see the back of Mount Rushmore is a perfect setting for the carving of four more heroic Presidents as the front.

Should not President Trump lead a modern era of Mount Rushmore in President Donald Trump the savior of America, along side President Andrew Jackson, the liberator of America, President Ronald Reagan the revolutionary leader who only Donald Trump could fulfill his vision, and that great Republican in Richard Nixon in who a CIA coup and communist plots, like Donald Trump overcame could not tarnish him in the hearts and minds of thee American people.

I move that this vista, Trump, Reagan, Nixon and Jackson become the mirror of the front of Mount Rushmore in Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln.

Nuff Said
