As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have been scowling at TL a refrain and that refrain is why people do not care that DOGE is cutting the funding of all these pretentious prima donas. The face that stuck in my mind was little AOC, laying on her couch, in climate control, the big government payments, not working, lecturing at us, designer clothes that cost more than a year's supply of eggs now, and being so vacuous like Bruce Chilton, that in their sociopathic and pathological natures, there is zero human empathy for anyone else.
It makes no difference if it is the gripe who answers the phone for your Congressman, never asking who you are, because they never tell your elected officials what you said, because they don't give a damn, or it is the tapper at this whore media working for the CIA, smearing you as an American. They are all the same amoral trolls. They eat, they fuck, they shit, they hate, and do it all again the next day in a never ending pattern of what is this canker sore upon each of us, that is always there feeding on us, and attached to a nerve, which festers every time we are under stress.
Do the math in this. It looks like everyone from that freakish Alex Soros (I would be Huma is closing her snatch now that his allowance is being cut by DOGE) to these Reuters propgandists are all going to be out of a job. They never saved any more as they spent it on Obama green cars and vacations to whore island with little children as sex toys, so the very people who told you to "learn to code" and then imported Curry Nigs, are going to soon be living in their mother's basement again as no one is going to hire this shit.
There is not a great deal of job descriptions available which start out, "HI I'M AND ASSHOLE!"
The point in this is simple. You have a group of millions of little turd minds who have turdish asstard thoughts and were given scholarships, diplomas and jobs, because hating White Men was in vogue, and now the reality is, these climate controlled apartment dwellers have zero value in society. No one is going to hire an asshole like Soros or a reporter, because the jobs are gone, and no one is going to hire these assholes, because they are so finite in their abilities, you would get more in hiring a retard who knows how to lace up their own shoes.
AOC is the example of the top of the food chain. She loses her job in Congress. Her options are being a lesbian in prison or fucking for saltines to stay alive as there are not going to be any corporate retirement jobs out there for being a whore and betraying America like Paul Ryan and all of this other shit cashed in on like Tom Daschle. The money train has been derailed and it is brilliant. It is so simple, but it took the children of Dolf's finance minister to know how to cut to the quick and kill this looting scheme.
My projection in this is, there is going to be a stupid, pasty, bitchy, whiner, fat, frumpy movement which will emerge in the streets for this insurrection. They will throw their fits, scream about wanting their Climate Control Welfare Metro State to return so they can once again be paid assholes, but the Darwin evolution is pure and scientific, this was a genus of homosapiens who thrived in this beaker in a lab of climate control, handouts, other fuck head teachers telling them their shit was an art form, and without this beaker, they are going to be dehydrated in the streets without the bottled water, stagger back home to mummy's basement, where they will grow cooties as they find things to medicate themselves to death as they masturbate to porn.
To be kind, I think all that fentanal that Trudeau in Canada seized as America under President Trump is no longer allowing that terrorism for profit in America, should be taken by President Trump and handed out to these Goddamn CCWMS mutants, so they can kill themselves and rid the world of their unnatural presence.
That CIA Director, James Wolsey, once did a paper on how the government could get so many liters of crude oil out of a dead person. It would be a good use in like Soylent Green, these dead medicators would be hauled to a factory and turned into high grade crude oil, so society would not have the ashes o deal with, just lovely fumes of gasoline engines carrying people to a Disneyland without peodphiles.
This is where I believe the Government is going to have to deal with a large number of domestic problem brats who will never reform, are dangerous like having a pet chimp have a gun, and are a cancer on societal resources as these mutants can not do a damn thing, except live in climate control.
Nuff Said