As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As the tourists are catching up to God's Inspiration, focusing on the Lincoln at War by Carl Sandberg and the connection to President James Polk.
Meet you on the other side.
President James K. Polk has returned to the White House as commentators find the thread of his themes in the man who brought him back — President Donald Trump.
For those who slept through history class, Polk was America’s 11th president from 1845 to 1849, when the phrase “Manifest Destiny” was being played out across North America by a president who knew what he wanted and would stop at nothing to get it.
As this blog informed you previously, President Polk actually was restrained. It was his advisor Robert J. Walker, who later advised President Abraham Lincoln, and was the unseen hand in Lincoln's foreign affairs with the treacherous British.
It was Robert Walker who advise to march the US Army in Mexican victory, to march south to Panama and take all of Central America. There was far too much Norman intrigue in America by the coastals who wanted America contained. As President Theodore Roosevelt stated in his Winning of the West, America should never agreed to the 54th parralell with England in partitioning Canada. America should have just by settlement taken Canada.
President Donald Trump has President Polk's Manifest Destiny portrait in the White House, but the fact is that the destiny of America has not been fulfilled. President Donald Trump must complete the Reagan Revolution, the Lincoln Emancipation of the world and the Polk Manifest Destiny. America has the right in the Monroe Doctrine to Mexico, Central America, Canada, Greenland, the Moon and Mars.
God bless President Donald Trump on his mission.
Nuff Said