Sunday, March 11, 2007

Jimmy Carter Jihad

ex President Jimmy Carter has once again plunged into the bloodied waters of the Middle East which he helped stain with his wet suit of dictates in demanding and taking sides, that the Jewish state must give up even more land for peace, and, as a brunt for a growing chorus of people questioning his motives has decided this time to throw in an attack that President Ahmadinejad of Iran's comments are abominable.

This demands a factual examination of Jimmy Carter's policies. Carter past, Carter present and Carter future, for the fruits which they have born for he has been awarded the Nobel Prize and in every glowing story the media's bias would have one believe he is the father of Middle East peace.
To behold the world the ex President, we first come across President Sadat of Egypt, one of the greatest statesmen of the world. We though find that if President Sadat had not taken part in Carter's "peace process" that he would not have been so weakened that assassins felt bold enough to murder him.
We also come across Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin who was murdered as an off shoot of the Carter "peace process".

Two world leaders dead after Carter starts the peace process rolling when compared to in the period after 1972 there was relative quiet, no shooting, no assassination, no bombings, no wars. There was only the occasional terrorist act by Soviet proxy agents in the PLO which the Israeli security apparatus was quite successful at handling.
After Carter though became involved, in and out of office in pushing peace, there has been Afghanistan War Soviet style, Beirut, Lebanon War, Iraq Iranian War, Gulf War I, Gulf War II, Afghanistan War Taliban style and Lebanese War par dux.
All related to Jimmy Carter in his struggle to find peace.

In Islam, Carter's struggle would be called jihad. In fact, the Carter Jihad warrants examination, since he has brought Ahmadinejad's comments or policy into the fray by calling them abominable, but just what is the difference between Carter Jihad and Islamic Jihad?

Jimmy Carter demands that the Judean people give up more land for instant peace.

Ahmadinejad demands that the Judean state cease to exist for instant peace.

Ahmadinejad advocates a policy which would be one Iranian nuclear missile blowing up Israel.

Jimmy Carter advocates a policy which would have Hamas terrorists so close to Jews that they could blow them up with grenades.

In examining the Carter and Ahmadinejad policies, one can ask what is the difference if Jews give up their land bit by bit until they have none compared to Jews forced to flee Judea due to radioactive contamination is any difference at all.
Blowing up Jews with grenades or atomic weapons in policy is still a policy which has one outcome, Jews are dead and the Judean state is gone.

So when Jimmy Carter is calling Ahmadinejad abominable is he calling his own murderous policies abominable with an anti American socialist Nobel Prize bow on top making it pretty?
The point is Jimmy Carter's policy is responsible to have set about events which caused two leaders to be murdered and continues to inflame Intifada against Jews and Islamic Jihad against America and the west.
Ahmadinejad does not even have that kind of record as he was a but a hostage taker and is currently the proxy war boy in Iraq and Lebanon for the Russian FSB and GRU.
In fact, no dictator from President Assad of Syria who has one assassinated Lebanese leader to his discredit and Ghadaffi of Libya with his on again and off again civil incivility can compare to the mess Jimmy Carter in his struggle has brought to fruition.

Even more strange in this dance of dictates is that Carter is funded by the same Saudi money which funded the Wahhabist Islamofascists of bin Laden. Both funded sources finding absolute fault always with America and with Jews, but never uttering in their bruised egos of failure once why none of that money is being invested in Muslim health care, schools and housing to give them a quality of life.
All of which makes a comfortable living for failures receiving funds, but turns local hatred into a blood bath.

ex President Jimmy Carter indeed does have a history of failure. It was his failure to deal with his buddies the Soviets which caused their Afghanistan invasion to which he funded arming the Muhajadeen which became al Qaeda. Yes al Qaeda is the fruit of Carter peace as is Afghanistan. One can behold the ill melon of Iran also in Carter's garden where he voided a secular pro American Muslim leader in the Shah for an Islamocommunist named Khomeini.......which gave the world Ahmadinejad.

Interesting facts in the man Jimmy Carter is calling abominable is a rotten fruit of the Carter peace process.
That is a statement worth repeating. Jimmy Carter created Ahmadinejad. Carter's and Ahmadinejad's policies mirror each other in outcome and Carter is calling him abominable.

It would be far too easy in Carter to link him to another National Socialist who had his own published struggle in implementing dictates which got a whole bunch of Jews murdered and spread insurrection throughout the world. You know him as Adolf Hitler, but since socialists like Carter label so many people Nazi's and Carter is calling Jews apartheidists perhaps pointing that out will only cloud the subject and take the focus away from Carter's Jihad.
Carter has learned as he evolves that he must not only condemn the people who do not fund him in Jews, but also condemn Ahmadinejad so he appears fair. The essence though again is policy, for what is the difference in socialist Woodrow Wilson's peace process which was taken up by FDR which had Jews behind walls in Warsaw ghettos to socialist Jimmy Carter's peace process which was taken up by Bill Clinton which has Jews cordoned behind walls in Judea with thugs on the other side awaiting to administer a final solution.
Carter can condemn. Carter can evolve, but the same outcomes of death are the same product of socialist peace he advocates.

Insanity is termed doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Jimmy Carter advocates that Jews give away more land when all it has accomplished is filling Judean, Lebanese, Syrian and Philistine graves with dead.
Jimmy Carter might be so intent on peace, because he has no inner peace within himself for the physical fruits of chaos in the Middle East are an outward marker of what is going on inside the man. The Middle East certainly is not any better off since Carter brought his inner struggle for peace and injected it into the region.
One can not comprehend a worse scenario of death if he had actually been trying to foment mayhem.

If ex President Carter continues to bloody the waters of the Middle East his Jihad must be examined, because there are bushels of dead people since he started his push from common people to world leaders who are soil temperature now.
History is a factual record of the Jimmy Carter Jihad and it is past time to assess if the world can afford a future with the Carter kind of struggle.
