Friday, July 13, 2007

Carlton Pearson: There is a hell

Dear Pastor Pearson,

I do hope that this letter reaches you personally and is not grouped in with only the staff as I just completed watching your segment on ABC and sincerely would like you to consider some things you have not worked out yet in your teaching.

Pastor, I understand your compassion for all people as our Father created and knows all of us, but there is a difference between voices heard and not tested, compassion for people suffering horrendous lives and the free will bestowed upon all people in the Love of God.
In this letter, we will disagree in points, but I hope as my commission to cause you on this road to Damascus to with the Holy Spirit's aid to open your eyes to a dimension you have not pondered.
You sincerely remind me Pastor of a person of great intelligence, but having been given a next generation computer and while you know what it are not quite describing it accurately.
You are correct in religion keeps people from God. You are correct in many things, but your understanding of hell is one dimensional instead of multi dimensional. To understand this, is to understand God for it is His math in quantum photonic physics which drives all of this. Now please do not think I will be speaking about Einstein, because you already are quite familiar with light physics as the Bible in the literal Word of God is filled with mathematics and principles put into a langauge which people can absorb on infant levels.

I do not mean to speak down to you, but in order to lay a foundation I will have to probably relate things which you already are aware of. With that the explanation begins.
The Bible does define 3 hells, but Old English much like "love" or "mercy" defines a variety of words under that course.
Hell in English is where the English kept their potatoes for the winter in it is a hole in the ground or the grave for people. Hell in English also relates to Sheol or Hades which is described in the Word as a place where souls are kept who have rejected God. Hell in English is also related by Jesus as Gehenna or the Lake of Fire. You will recall the verses of God is able to destroy both body and soul in hell, it is there that this Gehenna is being spoken of along with in Revelation it is revealed by the Gehenna name of the "Lake of Fire" which is not only a destroyer, but a prison to demons, the devil and saved Spirits made eternal by being one with God's plan of salvation and later rejecting that plan for the darkness.

This brings us to what the physics are in darkness and the Light literally. God has been very good to me in answering my questions and providing me with inspiration in areas I never thought I would need. In school, I did not like math and yet around my age of 30 I all of a sudden started acquiring a deep understanding of physics as related to God in His Light, I term it God math as that is exactly what it is.
The Bible teaches time and again Pastor in warning people against false gods. Knowing that there is only God, the question is what "gods" are being warned about and why are they a danger.
The answer in this reverts back to God math. God is Light and in His order is regenerative creative like none other in His Being outside this dimension. His creation by Jesus or the Father's Word or Thought is a complete reflection of His perfection at what is the "genesis light" state. This is how God is able to know all and all things obey His will, because it reflects and is exactly as God intends.
This is beyond atoms, but at the core of "being". In that light is the reflection of Light and it obeys God. That is how God is capable of fashioning everything from this physical dimension He created, because it is like "moulding light clay" to His Mind.
Out of this dimension are the Spiritual light forms perpetually alive. Angels are light while demons have subverted that light and become opposite in darkness.

Into this mankind was formed by God. Jesus created people special in we have bodies, will in our mind to choose and a soul which is housed in this "greenhouse body" as it is a seedbed for the gift of eternal Life from Jesus and implanted by the Holy Spirit of God. In this creation, God implants His Light into the garden of the soul and grows an eternal creature out of the mortal into a child or Light of God.
People are the only beings like this and our trait is specific to this mystery.

This is where the free will and the false god's come into being Pastor and the warning of destruction. It is vital to understand what I was explaining God being the original and all else from demons to gold for an example as either consumptive forces or vibrational frequencies not on God's perfect eternal wave length which will end when this dimension ends as a New Heaven and New Earth are created for Spiritual children after the millenium of Christ's rule.

In the Bible, the math sequence is, "If you love God". What that is stating is if you take on the qualities of only God then you become like Him eternal by redemption, but if you love money, yourself, sex, gold, NASCAR etc.... all of those things have an inferior light or clone frequency which a soul or spirit will self destruct as all things locked to this dimension will end. The end of course being death both temporal and eternal.
People in soul and spirit indeed become exactly what their focus is. It is like you are what you eat, well in this case you become what you believe in either being Godlike or deathlike.

In that Pastor is where your message is in the wrong direction. God wills no one to hell, except the mortal death appointed for this dimension as it is the metamorphosis of the body of the catapilar becoming the butterfly if the Spirit in them is Life.
When God is revealed as a consuming fire, it is not that He wills to destroy as He is perfect in creation and Life. What is happening Pastor is like if you remember the old commercial with Ella Fitzgerald in "is it live or is it Memorex". God has a perfect Life frequency which is eternal and it is so creative that it can not be death, so when it comes into contact with death it begins immediately to change it to Life.......the problem is though that things like that glass which responded to Miss Fitzgerald's voice in the false gods or things of this dimension which people change into are incapable once set of being reformed and the frequency of God overcomes them. This is what Jesus was saying in Light overcomes darkness and darkness disappears. It is not so much destruction of a person, but they disappear as they can not exist outside this dimension.

Earth is not hell nor is the horrid situations of people here any of the 3 hell's in the English translations. People shed their bodies into a grave. People who have become anti light in becoming in tune to false frequencies like gold are held in Sheol as contact with God would obliterate them and Pastor, the Lake of Fire is not a torture chamber, but a prison and after Jesus judgement on the unsaved is an end to their misery in being cut off forever from God.
It is vital to remember that demons are spirit which can not be ended as anti light is still a reflection of the perfect eternal Light of God. Those creatures have to be bound somewhere as they like spiritual people who have rejected the Truth or Jesus of God can not be part of a new dimension as it honestly would be torture to them in having cut themselves off from it.
In that same Truth, the lost souls will be consumed and their suffering ended in their choice of being inferior.

This is love from God. If I may Pastor, it is the same perfect love which you did not understand in seeing our fellow people in Africa existing in a horrid state.
God created all of this to have children who would choose Him and grow into Spiritual children. What you saw in Africa and we see in so many places around the world is God's lesson in pleading with people to stop following false religions and man made governments which are causing this horrendous misery. This is not God Pastor Pearson, but demonic influence and selfish people cutting God out of the perfect plan He instituted.
That plan in the Bible was for the children of Israel to create a priestly nation to bring this wonderful message of salvation and God's perfect order to prosper peoples so they would not be starving anywhere in the world. As you know, Israel rejected God and wanted kings which proved once again that people governments destroy lives and that only Jesus return with His government will initiate the completion that all this misery will vanish as people will be giving instead of stealing from the ground depleting soils to hording wealth so the impoverished never have a place to develop into the complete people they should be.

All of us Pastor, whether someone like Stalin, to a Chinese peasant, to a child in Africa to your earliest memories know there is a God. We know He is there in us calling us to Him. In some places they do not know His Name, but they know the feeling. God has not doomed anyone to Sheol or Gehenna nor to misery here on this planet. It is the choice of the person to where they will to become in either Life or death.
Your compassion in looking at poor people in Africa might think they have a burden they can not overcome, but I look at Paris Hilton and all of those rich beautiful children and see an even greater burden in the gods they follow. All of us whether a Muslim held captive in a state to a homosexual held captive to desires are all placed by God here with the one choice of, "Will we by our will with calling on God for help overcome the barriers and become the child of God He is offering."

In that, Pastor was your mistake. You saw hell in people suffering and questioned God in His love without understanding the complete plan and regrettably you listened to a voice without trying it to see if that voice was from God.
That voice it should be obvious now has taken you on a path completely away from the foundation of the Bible as the Word of God. That voice has preyed upon your compassion for others in Africa in leading you to say God's Word is only a work of man when the Bible says, "Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit". That voice according to the facts of the physics of God, His plan and the Law of this dimension and others is contrary to what is the reality as the above has been explained on eternal Light or Life.

Pastor Pearson, I sincerely hope and bless you that you will begin teaching the plan of the Father in His love for all and correct the incorrect instructions you are telling people now. It has nothing to do with hell in any form in why this is important, but it is vital as in order to implement your compassion in what is your religion you have taken away the greatest empowerment and nourishment to the Spiritual child in terming the Word of God as the word of men.
Your wards in your congregation can not grow, resist the attacks of the devil nor become complete Spiritual children of God without His Word. It is the fine tuning frequency of a person just like tuning a piano out of tune. It tunes the physical, the soul, the thought and eventually the Spirit as one grows.
It is your responsibility as you know to nurture these children as God grows them. You can not grow them with the incorrect data you are telling them.

The Reality and the Truth is a much greater story of love in people overcoming all in Jesus, of people even in judgement having a loving God there with compassion and there is love in people suffering in mass for God always provides the Way out as there is a difference as your compassion moved you to see what is man made and what is God inspired.

I hope with God's Holy Spirit this message to you corrects the flaws which need correction. It is written in love and compassion for you are right now in greater captivity then the people you saw and a voice untried, because you thought you were so in tune with God whispered to you the same message Eve heard.......that what God had said before wasn't really true.
It is my hope that you are so moved Pastor Pearson to correct the mistake and we can rejoice in a more earnest message helping the children in your care and this does not become a witness in a time ahead.

God bless you in Jesus Name with the direction and help of the Holy Spirit and in Jesus Name the influences which led you to incorrect teachings depart from you forever.

Always in Christ,

agtG 301

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