Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Earth is Sweating Naturally

It might come as a surprise but, Canadian research is actually worrying about a coming global
cooling to earth based upon the silt records in British Columbia on the
long term solar cycles as in a minnie ice age is due in the next

I was watching Jeopardy the other week and one of GlobAL
Gore, 1000 volunteers he sent out to spread the myth was on and Alex
Trebec mentioned about the ice sheets thickening and yet he said, "I
still believe in global warming".

These idiots can see scientific fact and still chant the myth. Trebec has an excuse, but
when you get money grubber "professors" like Galen McKinley out of
Wisconsin "refuting" facts from climatologists due to the fact she is
making a huge salary living "studying" how Lake Superior affects global
warming it is nothing but a sham exposed.

The University of Wisconsin gets funding by propagating the myth. These European
"scientists" went to Greenland knowing they would find melting and gee
when they got there they found out they were being lied to. What is
interesting in they unlike Galen McKinley actually reported the data
instead of repressing it or going on lying about global warming.

If you notice ALL of the data coming in shows exactly the opposite of global warming.

I will share with the readers my findings in that the sun is actually
heating as the Canadians have found, but it is not cosmic rays alone as
they found but the sun is warming on a bandwidth science has not looked
at yet. This bandwidth resembles a microwave in radiating only the
liquids in a bowl, but not the bowl. This is partly why the ice sheets
are "melting" in the frozen areas. Their explanation is complicated too.

This bandwidth radiation of liquids is causing a slight increase in glacial
flow and a weakening of the ice. This is what is causing the ice sheets
to break off.

See there is no such thing as green house gases
heating anything as it is only water other liquids or mists which are
capable of holding heat. The term is holding heat as they can not
generate heat. All they can do is absorb as much solar heat as the day
allows and immediately start cooling in the night.

NASA is the place which started this green house gas nonsense in trying to explain
why Venus is "so hot". For the reality of money grubbers like Galen
McKinley and those who never considered it, here are the facts:

Mercury is hot. It is close to the sun. It has no atmosphere.

Venus is hot. It is close to the sun. It has an atmosphere.

Earth is mild. It is perfectly situated by God to the sun. It has an atmosphere.

Mars is cold. It is far away from the sun. It has a thin atmosphere.

Jupiter and Saturn are cold. They are far from the sun, but have thick atmospheres.

In all of the above, it is position from the sun which dictates how hot a
planet is. Jupiter and Saturn being massive and having all of those
gases should be infernos collecting solar radiation and are not. That
blows green house gases completely out of the water as it is the sun
which warms and water is a simple moderation factor.
As I have
written of, the earth is a perfect "body". The atmosphere and oceans
"breathe" and they are like a skin. Right now because of this radiant
solar energy the earth is naturally "sweating" putting more vapor in
the atmosphere NOT TO HEAT THE PLANET, but to cool it. This vapor
moving around naturally increases the core center thickness of glaciers
and is what they are finding. It is though not an ice age event just a
gliche of more vapor.

When a true ice age event occurs, then by
natural means ice thickness increases as the atmosphere rids itself of
sheilding vapors and allows more sun into heating the earth. This is a
remarkable system God created in dealing with moderation of solar

Now I am not going to win a Nobel Prize which I should
for what God has placed in plain sight as here am I not taking millions
trying to set up a scheme which to destroy Republican forms of
government by filling the pockets of banking cartels so the middle
class has no money or power. All of the above is correct though and
should be awarded the Nobel as it is the first complete explanation of
planet earth's symbiotic moderation.

I do though believe that there is going to be a solar spike of massive radiant heating in the
near future as the frequency of axis shift of the entire solar zone is
about to move into a new cosmic grid. That is something governments
should be investing billions in NOT to stop it as nothing can, but to
provide seven year stockpiles of food, advanced shelter housing to deal
with this spike and the reserves of genetic materials. That is where
the money should be invested and is where screaming masses of people
are going to hopefully haul the Al Gores and Galen McKinley's before
Congress demanding why all that money was wasted on a scheme when
measures to help people could have been in place.

This is the explanation you are not hearing, but it is the Newton truth in God science.
agtG 245

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// \\ God bless the Good