Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's is more than Bill O'Reilly

I have cross posted this on my blog and at Newsbusters, but God gave me
some insight into just why the good and bad news has stopped from Iraq.
It is not just as Bill O'Reilly has exposed in good news means no news,
but no news means the terrorists and their sympathizers in the
mainstream media have lost their propaganda chain.

Take for example, what the liberal press DOES NOT WANT EXPOSED in
Bilial Hussein trial going on now and that is the FACT all of the media
are being fed terrorist information directly from terrorists.

I want to remind readers of the fact that CBS's Laura Logan on her
weblog was carrying unedited al Qaeda footage of them mass murdering
people. This got some play, but the only way Logan got this foot raw
footage is if her cameraman was there or she was so in bed with
terrorists that she had a direct pipeline into al Qaeda and was trusted
by them. In simple terms, it means CBS like all news bodies has a
symbiotic relationship with terrorists.

Terrorists are well tapped into news groups. I would even go so far that
the Bob Woodruff story so milked by ABC, him and his ditzy wife was
aimed directly at him for the purpose of propaganda. Terrorists just did
not happen to have a bomb planted where he like an idiot got out and did
his report. Someone tipped the terrorists off and if you recall CBS also
had a reporterette brain dinged at the same time.
That was an operation designed specifically to nail the top American
liberal reporters who were not "plugged in like Logan" to get publicity.
It was all a set up.

Logan and others are more "sympathetic" to the terrorist cause as of
late and if you notice in Green Zone hiding they are quite safe and feed
remarkable and friendly feeds.........or they did until the US cracked
down and shot all their murderous news creating leads.

I want people to get this point too.........THE REASON NEWS HAS STOPPED
IN IRAQ is not just because the news is good, but BECAUSE LOGAN AND THE

I repeat that the stories out of Iraq stopped because the terrorists
which the media were in bed with are now dead and not feeding them
feature murder stories any more.

It is more than the news is good in Iraq. It is Lara Logan's friends in
terrorism are dead and not feeding the liberal media breaking propaganda
they have created.
Bad news is still happening, but Logan does not have a cameraman there
recording it for her anymore.
