Friday, January 18, 2008

Pardon my French

Let me tell you it imperiously lies upon both you and me to do our duty
regardless of consequences or the opinion of fireside patriots, those
fawning sycophants or cowardly poltroons who after their boasted ardor
would let thousands fall victims to my retrograde.

Andrew Jackson during the Creek War

Where now are all the "experts", John Murtha, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi,
Tom Daschle, Robert Spencer, Hugh Fitzgerald, Dan Rather, Ariana
Huffington, Jeff Rense, Steve Quayle, Robert Shearer, Pat Buchanan,
Eleanor Clift, Keith Olberman and the endless parade who said Iraq was
Who said it was their policy to leave Iraqi women and children to be
butchered and raped by zealot al Qaeda Islamocommunists by the hundreds
of thousands.

Where are they now with one apology to one soldiers family who died in
the successful American effort?
Where are they now owing George Bush and Dick Cheney an apology for the
executive being right and their being absolutely wrong?

Where are they still making a living off of mayhem and anarchy, becoming
rich and not once in shame answering one rememberance in what buffoons
they were proven to be.........

Andrew Jackson had it right almost 200 years ago. There are Americans
who stand, there are Americans who pretend and there are outright culls
who hinder the effort and then disappear in prosperity on the work of
Americans who actually fought the war.
