Thursday, February 28, 2008

Meet the Obama Mama Family Tree

I find it fascinating that the two greatest information sources online in and are both literally "not telling all about" Baracka Hussein Obama.
They either do their utmost to conceal his real beliefs, what his family all about or try to make him out to be a "Christian".

For the record, Baracka who changed his name to Barak who was known as Barry was brought up by some people with deep psychopathies. (Psychopathy means mental illness.)

His grandparents were quite normal in America. His grandfather was a veteran of WW II and his grandmother worked for Boeing during the war. Like many of the children spoiled during this period of affluence STANLEY ANN DUNHAM grew up to be a disjointed child.
Yes Barack's mother was named Stanley as her dad wanted a son. This apparently scarred the child as instead of adhering to normal American, Christian ideals as her family did she revolted and became and "atheist anthropologist" looking to primitive cultures for peace as she later chose "Primitive Blacksmiths of Indonesia" as her thesis work.

Repaying her parents for naming her Stanley she upon entering college chose the extreme she could find. A black, foreign, Muslim named Baracka Obama from Kenya.
Obama Sr. apparently had the same psychopathy of affluence and resentment toward whites in being employed by them as servants that he chose to "get the prize of a white woman" and then dump her in revenge.
That is how Senator Barack Obama came into this world.

Mother was a "fellow traveler" as described by her friends which in that term means a communist, atheist in 1960's America. She was "not fond of Christians" from her youth on, detested white males and ran away from God.
This is the foundation of Barack Obama which he has been hiding in how he grew up.

Dad was an equal to the Mother in dumping Stanley, moving to Harvard and picking up another female, going back to Kenya and in the time of existence turned out 7 siblings.
The burden of life appeared to much for Obama Sr. as reports found he liked whiskey, so much so he almost killed himself in a car crash where he lost his legs and in time he simply died in having met Obama jr. but once.

Both parents were atheists, practicing racists and American loathing.

Stanley turned again to acting out in marrying Lolo Soetoro an Indonesian Muslim in the oil industry. She hauled Barack to Jakarta where was enrolled in a Muslim school during the savage revolution which was engulfing that nation.
No information is given as to why, but at age 10 Barack was abandoned back upon Stanley's parents in Hawaii where he was then raised.

Barry as he would now be known soon grew to learn the manipulation of athropology on populations as his friend described him at parties, "Spouting poetry, becoming an intellectual and soon disappearing with a white girl".
His girlfriend, a blonde hottie, of the period describes her association as one of "being used by Barry" which when she figured it out she broke off her association.

It was during his formative a shadowy figure appears being mentioned by only a first name as his first "mentor". This person has now been revealed as a communist who Barry looked up to.

Barry would soon become Barack again as he "rose to power" from obscurity.
Barack showed up in Kenya again recently campaigning for Raila Odinga, a Luo tribesman, who just happens to be Barack Obama's cousin, who just happens to have run for President of Kenya, who just happens to be a Muslim, who just happens to be claiming election fraud in loosing an election Obama was involved in and who just happens to be a communist.
As I have coined the phrase before, Odinga is an ISLAMOCOMMUNIST, the same type in Chad murdering Darfur Christians and the same type as Zawahiri in al Qaeda murdering American Christians.

Odinga has had his followers in the streets of Nairobi, "protesting" by murdering, raping and maiming Kikuyu tribes people who won the election.
This is who Barack Obama supports in his family, a Muslim whose plan it is to create an arc in the Horn of Africa in linking Chad, Kenya and Somalia into an axis of Islamocommunism.
This would provide Communist China a direct and permanent link in driving out all western investment and keeping all of east African oil at the strangulation of America and Europe by inflating world oil prices further.

To further the examination of the Obama tribe, one needs to examine the current Obama Mama, in Oprah's new friend, Michelle Obama.

Michelle Robinson Obama is a very intelligent woman. She and her brother both skipped 2nd grade. In this though is the catalyst of the Barry Obama once again falling into the trap of low self esteem as the couple met at Chicago law firm where they were the only black lawyers and Michelle was to "mentor" Barry.

Mrs. Obama's strength, intelligence and drive is what now dominates Barack as he once again is under the influence of a very strong woman so he does not have to deal with the rejected person he is. A strong woman has chosen him, so therefore he now feels he has some value caught between white, black, Christian, Muslim, Africa Indonesia and America........a sort of Hawaiian without a soulful home in being in and out of America all at the same time.
The most telling of this is the religion which the Obama's follow.

The religion and church's name hide behind Christianity, but the leader Dr. Jeremiah Wright speaks of James Cone's work in "Black Liberation Theology".
This teaching is that Jesus was "black". In this black Christ, Cone teaches:

To be a disciple of the black Christ is to become black with him. Looting, burning, or the destruction of white property are not primary concerns. Such matters can only be decided by the oppressed themselves who are seeking to develop their images of the black Christ.

This might be able to be wondered about except Obama's "minister" Jeremiah Wright, just awarded Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan whose infamous quotes include white people are the anti christ and Jews are bloodsuckers.

Mrs. Obama in her theology also makes some bizarre statements of "for the first time I'm proud of being an American", "our souls are broken", "Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual", "we need socialized medicine" and "this nation is ready for change".

Mrs. Obama speaks of bringing about a suffering America is going to be mandated to carry in changing what this nation is.

The "change" which is coming from their direct lives they have chosen and will now to imprint on all America is:

Jesus is black, anarchy against white people and their property, socialized medicine, communism, atheism, womanizing castrated males lorded over by dictatorial females and honoring Muslim racists and bigots while looking to cave men in anthropology in how to deal with modern problems with an African Islamic Caliphate in Africa and America.

The facts about the Obama tribal psychopathy requires examination.

Perhaps though this is why President Bush stated yesterday, "The GOP will hold onto the White House", because when America starts finding out about the Obama Mama Family Tree there is not a whole lot of difference in them as one one mixes the Clintons, Kennedy's and bin Laden clans literally.

Supporting a Muslim overthrow of Kenya by a family member. Raping, maiming and murdering in ethnic tribal cleansing is not exactly what Obama's followers have signed up for.

This is pure Muslim Brotherhood and is not what America needs to be anywhere near our atomic seat of power.