Thursday, March 6, 2008

Columbian Terrorists Dealing with Weapons Grade Uranium

When Columbia forces struck the FARC terrorist camp protected by
Ecuador, they found a laptop computer which was filled with Chavez
giving these narco terrorists 300 million dollars to topple the elected
government of Columbia, a proclamation that "gringos" from America were
telling them Barack Obama would be President and a new revelation today
which has the European Union on edge.

In an email from Edgar Tovar to the now dead Paul Reyes of FARC, the
line "la materia del uranio" is spoken which translates, THE MATTER OF
Tovar on February 16th tells Reyes that his contact in Bogotá , Columbia
named Belisario "enviado me un catálogo y las especificaciones" or "SENT

Tovar goes on to explain, "Proponen vender cada kilo en USS2.5 millón y
lo entregarán y veremos a quién podemos venderlo y así que el reparto
estaría con un gobierno para venderlo mucho.
Tienen 50 kilos de listo y pueden vender mucho más, ellos tienen
contacto directo con los que tengan el producto."

Translated, ""They propose to sell each kilo at US$2.5 million and
they'll deliver it and we'll see to whom we can sell it and so the deal
would be with a government to sell them a lot.
They've got 50 kilos ready and they can sell a lot more, they have
direct contact with those who have the product."

One has to remember that Uranium is very dense like lead, so a small
sphere would be 50 kilos.

The Columbian, Franscico Santos was in Europe, Geneva, laying out the
information and speaking directly with EU representative Javier Solano.

What the Europeans and even the Rockefeller CFR representative Charles
Ferguson are highly concerned about is, this weapons grade uranium like
Saddam Hussein had in 1.77 tons which the United States found and
transferred to White Sands after Iraqi liberation.
What 50 kilos could build is 1 nuclear gun type device or 3 Hiroshima
class bombs.

The key is the email which states the people have the uranium, are
getting it from a government source, have a pipeline supply of obtaining
greater quantities and FARC is going to be the middle man in paying $2.5
million American for it to "other buyers" in the American sphere.

Uranium has distinct signatures where mined and refined, so it would be
traceable back after a detonation but the candidates are quite limited
in who would be creating high amounts of Uranium off book for sale.
The culprits would not be traced to Russia, but this is a Russian FSB
signed off on operation in one of their clients. The source would be
Iran, Pakistan or North Korea.
Using the arena where the Colombians chose to expose this and the
Europeans being concerned, this means a contact source of the Middle
East and not Asia in North Korea nor Pakistan as their material is
secure as of yet.
The source then would be Iran who it was pointed out in exclusive
postings last year were attempting to nuclear arm groups in South
America as a beach head against the United States.

What appears the scenario now to be is, Chinese freighters coming out of
Iran would cross the Pacific and move into Panama where the material
would be transferred to Columbian FARC terrorists.
These terrorists would then open a bidding war to select terror groups
to raise funds. What has Europe extremely anxious over this is
apparently their intelligence has been picking up the "doomsday attack"
scenario being ushered in by al Qaeda or the Kosovo KLM Muslims into the
heat of Europe.

These same al Qaeda sleeper agents are in the United States and as this
report has noted before the certain way a nuclear device would be
initiated into the United States would be exactly the way the Soviet's
did it in diplomatic couriers.

All of this goes back to Valerie Plame in her cover up with Joe Wilson
of the French refining Uranium for Saddam Hussein in Marc Rich money
laundering bribes to them.
This was just one of the Clinton watch fiascoes the globalists foisted
upon the world. This time though it is not France providing weapon's
grade Uranium, but the Islamocommunist regime of Iran using the protocol
of, "Make war on your enemy by another source and have them take the blame".

The world has reached the doomsday scenario. Rogue states are now
selling weapon's grade material around the world at an affordable price
to oil rich regimes. Recall Chavez of Venezuela just gave FARC 300
million dollars American as a gift.
The kryptonite triggers out of communist South Africa are available as
well as the high grade explosives are in every nation to easily build a
nuclear device.

As a closing consideration, the nuclear middle man in Belisario is a
name both Greek and Spanish. This is the entire diamonds and guns
worldwide traffic system run by narco terrorism and client states like
communist China, Bolshevik Russia and puppet regimes as Iran and Venezuela.
They are making 5th column war on America and the west. For those who
tout the trillion dollar war on terrorism as some sort of over cost.
Try replacing New York or Paris for that amount and try treating
Chernobyl cancer children for a generation on twice that amount in the
clean up.

That laptop is where reality is engaged beyond rhetoric. Enemies of the
United States are making weapon's grade material and in the process of
selling it to the highest bidder for a nuclear attack.
Oh and don't think it is just FARC. It is the KLM and do not think for a
moment if Iran is recuperating looses in sales that they do not have
enough material for dozens of bombs now.
