Saturday, March 1, 2008

Condi Rice Flexes Her Pipes

I have been one of the greatest detractors of Sec. of State, Condi Rice, as her policy it appeared was nothing but do nothing Colin Powell, Rockefeller CFR anti American nonsense which got Jews, Arabs and Americans murdered.......with America looking like the fall guy.

Last night I though saw the BBC showing the USS Cole off of Lebanon with the USS Nasau which is an expeditionary force ship. Today they are about to be joined by another task force.

In the preceding months, Condi had the IDF blow up a Syrian nuclear facility with Russia clammed up and Syria taking it.

A few weeks ago in major bribes, Condi had assassinated a terrorist leader who had murdered Marines in Lebanon, among other select citizens.

As one adds the Saudi and Kuwati governments just told their citizens to get out of Lebanon, as the IDF has finally been unleashed on the Philistines led by Hamas for the thousands of rockets they are lobbing on Judean cities, Iraq in having the US bulldog sitting there really is a wonderful policy statement to the world in implementing policy instead of taking it.

Turkey has now pounded the Kurdish PPK into a temporary ruin. The US under Condi has had no reprisals.

Sure the Cole sitting of Lebanon is supposed to keep Syria from joining the fray, but I know Dick Cheney and other Americans would very much appreciate a Syrian Iranian Chinese fired surface to surface missile to be fired at the Cole, in which the Cole would shoot it down and America could do some selective bombing runs out of Diego Garcia on Iran.

Some might view this as warmongering. I though view it if the US and the Judean state could beyond Olmert's Ashkenaz European disaster for Jews take out the problems in Iran and Syria, it must might save Damascus from being vaporized, the Pashtun from being vaporized in Pakistan and much of Persia where the Iranian nuts exist from tasting radioactivity.

Condi Rice though as a woman deserves full credit as she has undone the entire Powell malaise working for the Rockefellers into a quite cut throat operational policy dealing with cut throats. It will not go on far enough I believe and should have started with that globalmonger Zig Brzenski as in Damascus last week chatting with the Syrians to have given him a taste of the horror he so loves starting in Kosovo and poking sticks in the eyes of Chinese and Russians........but if this helps the Judeans and the Philistines live to hate another day without Olmert in the lead nor Hamas, the tip of the hat goes to Sec. of State Condi Rice.
It has been too long coming, but America has not had a leader in that position since Jim Baker was running the show.

I never would have thought a little black gal who goes to Church on Sunday could turn the assassination tables on the assassins. This is walk softly carrying a big stick to use selectively and it is currently working.
Iraq is finally being utilized as the wedge it was intended in operations. Bravo for US policy that is functional.

Kill Hamas now and hopefully the Philistines will live in more numbers for Jesus return when He speaks of the Philistines as the sisters of Judah and Israel.

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// \\ God bless the Good