Friday, March 14, 2008

I give you a 1000 dollars

In the world tomorrow, I give you 1000 dollars for just being you as it
is allot of work being someone.........

In June, the government takes 500 dollars in taxes from you like it does
everyone every year in half their wages.

You though have spent the 1000 on a new house for a 1000 dollars and owe
your bank 1000 dollars.
In August the price of houses drops to 700 dollars, so you refinance and
the bank eats a 300 dollar loss which it doesn't eat as it is now 300
dollars in debt.

In the meantime, the government has decided to spend all your tax money
on welfare for Mexicans and a war to save it prints up
another 5000 dollars to pay for the war.

The problem is that 5000 is not backed by anything of value like gold, a
car produced, wheat produced etc..., so the 1000 dollars you were given
is now worth 1/5th as much and your wage now only buys 250 dollars.

So now the groceries you were paying 10 dollars a week now is 50
dollars a week as other nations money is worth more as they didn't print
money and now their Euro buys 5 dollars instead of just 1.
Then George Soros sees all that 5000 dollars the government printed up
and his bosses the Rothschilds of Europe tell him, "We want that 5000
dollars as mere Americans wouldn't know what to do with power in the
first place".

So George Soros with his cartel friends, buys up shares in oil creating
a shortage driving up prices and shares in wheat driving up prices to
create a monopoly of the only one's having a supply, so oil which was 5
dollars a barrel is now 20 and wheat which was 1 dollar a bushel is now 10.
This inflation in price now has the banks owing the Federal Reserve of
the Rockefeller's 300 dollars on your house, 5000 dollars which the
printed up and sold to the government and you are now being asked to pay
for it all not on 1000 dollars, but a devalued 200 dollars a year.

So the banks look around and say, I have lent to thousands of people and
owe all this money.
So the government looks around and says, I created all this debt and my
people are still only producing 1000 dollars a year now only worth 200
dollars and all the tax money is gone.
So people look around and say, I can't afford on 200 dollars all these
bills as my money is not worth anything any more.

That is what causes a constriction in an economy. The Treasury can lower
interest rates to try and put more money into the system so people will
spend it to create wealth, but banks are in such debt they won't lend
and people sitting on mortgages for homes, cars and credit card debt
with massive new cost of living inflation on gas and food..........they
don't want the money debt either.

So the only people making money and gaining power in this is, the
banking cartel families printing money and hedging prices to collect it
while the US government and American citizens all go deeper into debt.

There is a certain way to fix this. Benjamin Franklin laid it out based
upon Adam Smith's economics in 1760 Pennsylvania.
Franklin explained that an economy needs to PRODUCE PRODUCTS to create
The way one does this is raw materials like lumber, mining, food and one
can add technology now which Americans then turn over to a manufacturing
center to create more wealth. Lumber becomes homes and furniture, iron
becomes cars, gold becomes investment, cotton becomes clothes, wheat
becomes bread, grapes become wine and silicon becomes computer chips
hosting technology which the world all purchases being sold by American

The American system is a debtor system and is operating to make certain
families rich by shearing wealth off of the masses. This is called
fractal lending and it is working perfectly with inflation doing what it
is intended.

Until Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore or John McCain is made to
answer the above in converting America from this loan shark system of
massive debt checks and debtor imbalance to the American System Benjamin
Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson and of
late John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan implemented..........none of this is
going to change.
It does not matter if McCain is nuts, Obama a Muslim, Hillary a
communist and Gore a kook, until as Alexander Hamilton mandated that
America balances it's books with a banking system which answers to the
Treasury as Andrew Jackson dictated with the production of Benjamin
Franklin correct trading partners as Ronald Reagan initiated which John
Kennedy backed with a sound backed United State's currency in precious
metals and now needed, "precious technologies" to offset massive Russian
ownership of gold will this situation ever be rectified.

I have volunteered to serve my government and people reinstating this
just American System working for the same wage an officer in the United
States military earns.
Until the day comes when Americans demand more than sex talk, nut talk
or what preacher said what distracting from fixing this American
problem, this is not going to be fixed.

This is termed Milton Friedman economics at base in Adam Smith economic
terms. It can be adjusted to current American conditions and make the
United States not a debtor state but a lender nation again.

Who will ask the candidates and Congress people the pertinent questions?

It is Clinton retroactive 20 years past people asking.

Fix the situation and stop being sheep. God didn't make you that way.
God made people free in responsible liberty to enjoy the work of their
labor for their own good and their children.

I repeat, technology certificates backing US currency as American
invention is world leading and at a value which Russia can not match in
gold reserves nor China in enslaving billions nor Europe in banking
schemes of hording wealth.

Implement the American System
