Monday, March 10, 2008

Stop Punishing the German People

As one ponders the honoring of American Confederates as noble gentleman
in Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jeb Stewart being caught up in
state's rights muddled against slavery, to the current socialist icons
of Clintonia, Kennedy and Obama advocating the aborticide of millions of
babies to the literal fascist government control of industry to
communist control of citizen's is past time if groups
can herald their own that Germans stop being punished for Nazism.

A school in eastern Germany is currently under pressure for naming
itself after Klaus Riedel, the pioneer of the V -2 Rocket. This nonsense
in Germany and outside for punishing a nation for an Austrian with part
Jewish parentage in leading it to an instigated war by world communism
to destroy Deutchland must come to an end.

Germans of today are the immigrant children of a very powerful people
exiled from the Middle East. The "German" gets it's name from the
Germani who preceded these immigrant peoples who fled from the
Babylonian and Persian empires.
The original Germani group part was of the lost 10 tribes of Israel. The
latter German of today who followed in immigration and exile was the
Assyrian of that empire.

Yes modern Germans are of the semite lines. This is where Abraham came
from in this grouping of peoples. They are a unique people of great
accomplishment for millenia.

These are part of the barbarians who slaughtered the Roman legions. This
is a people of Prussian Frederik the Great who brought the world empires
of France, Austria and Russia to their knees with the English in the
first world war. the 7 Years War or as it was known in America, the
French and Indian War.

Germans are a brilliant and gifted people who deserve to celebrate their
entire history, even including the worst parts where people were caught
up in events like Field Marshall Rommel.
America and the Soviet Union both pillaged Germany of German's after the
war.......there would not have been an atomic bomb if it were not for
Germans and there would not have been a man on the moon if it were not
for the German rocket scientist in America, Goddard.

If Goddard can be extolled in the United States, then Germans deserve as
a people to extol who they very well please whether the current liberals
in Germany in thought police are doing self whipping or whether it is
groups making money now off of the holocaust.

History is a strange mistress in the current Olmert cabal answering to
the same interests which fomented World War II condemns Germany for
building walls for which Jews were to live behind and for deporting
them, but Olmert can round up Jews from Gush Katif and deport them to
trailer towns as he has now built is walls for all Judeans to exist
behind as rockets rain down on them.
One would believe that dead Judeans in Germany behind walls are just as
reprehensible as dead Judeans in Ashkelon, but nothing is even debated
on this.

Germans deserve to enjoy the grandeur of their entire past. One does not
have to agree to Greek and Roman rule to build the US Capitol and
Supreme Court in marking greatness of the past.

If great people in Germany had great visions to advance the German
people in building, science and nation status, then the greatness is to
be embraced and Germans must not be blamed for all the ills of the world.

Because someone financed Germany Nazism, someone decided to isolate it
to steal their colonial holdings and someone decided to enslave Germans
so they lashed out to try and survive.

Germans have been whipped enough now for over 60 years. They are a
millenia people and should not be judged on 4 years no more than Cubans
should be judged by the butcher Castro.......but then liberals celebrate
him too.