Sunday, April 27, 2008


Apparently in America we suffer from Anarchism by white people trying to
wage suicide on their race by destroying everything from government to
their children, Indians suffer from Siouxcommunism, Asians suffer from
Occislavery, Latinos suffer from Leachism and with Al Sharpton once
again calling for protests over a black guy getting shot in New York,
American blacks have a tumor known as blacktardification.

Apparently there is a segment of millions of blacks in big cities who
need to be told things one would think is common sense.

Rule 1: When you are a human and you get married, you GO WITH YOUR WIFE
and not to a stripper bar filled with undercover cops and thugs.

Rule 2: On you wedding day at said thug bar, you do not start a fight
and then start screaming for a gun.

Rule 3: When a police officer orders you to stop, you do not run away,
jump in a car, ram a police car when they think you have guns as you
will end up dead, dead, dead.

Rule 4: Do not think when this goes to trial that anyone but an OJ jury
is going to be convinced you were innocent when your thug buddies were
telling different stories and the police were credible.

All of that seems quite James Brown reasonable. It seems Bill Cosby gets
it and even bastard producer Jesse Jackson who liked spitting in white
people's food has it sort of dawning on him that this Revved up Jeremiah
Wright blacktardification is bad for black people.
All of this seems rooted in the plantation system where the wise guys
got the easy jobs by being the loudest in appointing themselves
spokesmen on how to handle the slaves for the massahs.

You had divisions of the big guys and gals bred for hard labor being
stuck in the fields while the manipulators got their feet in the big
house and never looked back at the slavery the left.
Texas is a historical example of the entire blacktardification genesis
as Union troops were having a horrid time after the Civil War with
"hangers on" that were following the cavalry in it's march.
These blacks were demanding what is now known as welfare. They didn't
think they had to work, but would now be slaves provided for by the US
Of course the Union Generals were all Republicans and told the blacks to
go back to the plantations where they would be paid a wage and that is
the way the world worked.

These Al Sharpton groupings though never did work. They stayed poor
until Democrats got the power and votes to make them a perpetual voting
block they bought with welfare money.

So on the one side you had Bill Cosby being wailed on by his mother and
being made to accomplish something on the other you have these
millionaire black leaders preaching to their followers to be stupid,
thugs and depend on handouts just like the old slave system.
In this Sharpton and the NAACP always have a willing mass to empower
them so they can show up at the table for the million dollar deals.

This is the podium of Barack Obama.

Barack Obama was created to bring in black votes and to punish Bill and
Hillary for stealing uranium in Asia from the cartels. If Obama had any
leadership he would wade into New York and slap the thugs hard and tell
them when police tell you to stop, YOU STOP. No excuses and no clubbing
all night. Go home to your wife and family and get up at 7 for a paying
job and build something.
It is highly impossible that Barack Obama will ever take such a measure
as it will cost him the black vote as Barry Obama is not "black enough"
for the blacktards and Barry Obama has no idea at all who this segment
of black people are.
Barry knows very well the Jack n Jill society. Barry knows very well how
to sex up trampy yuppie white girls. Barry knows how to bow to his shrew
wife who hates black men for all the white social climbing they do, but
Barry Obama does not have a clue who these black people are who hate
Condi Rice, loathe Clarence Thomas and consider college a brand of
selling out for working your way to the top instead of being appointed
your share in kickbacks.

This is not a sunshiney wonder of a happy moral ending as these basic
communist problems are not going to change as there are millions of
these sloven types who follow hucksters blaming some one else for their

It is wonderful though for the Patricians in America having Al Sharpton
doing the dirty work in blowing the black voting block into oblivion as
the blacktards will now blame whitey Hillary in her cracker cops and
fume about Obama not being Al Sharpton all in white New York or a term
Bill and Hillary both called it, but will be racially unsaid here in
this racial bigotry Al Sharpton has incited again.

These New York police were not shooting black men coming out of Church
on Sunday morning who were with their wives.

Maybe for all colors of people some common sense would be helpful. Don't
dress up like a hood, don't hang around with hoods, go home by midnight,
don't do drugs nor get drunk to keep your mind about you, don't start
yelling about guns in public and stay out of bars.

I don't believe many people are shot by police while reading their
children bedtime stories in their own homes after they had donated time
to a police charity for slain officers.

That is called common sense or a moral way of living your life so you
are building a future and giving something back to your community.