Saturday, April 5, 2008

My Favorite Charity

In noting the Clintons "earned" 109 million dollars in a few years since
leaving the White House, it has been my deduction that the 51 million
dollars in speaking fees was nothing more than a double dip cover scam
to bring out that amount from the Clinton's Marc Rich bribery fund in
European banks, so they could enjoy the fruits of their crimes.

The first thing though which came to mind in the release of their "tax
records" was, "OK they gave to much of that charity
was the Clinton's themselves?"
The answer came out today that the Clinton's favorite charity is the
Clinton Foundation with all money in 2006 going to themselves.
Each year the Clinton's "give away" money to charities with the lion's
share being their own pockets which then are "passed on" to other

You can bet not one cent of that ever went to a Conservative,
responsible Christian nor an American patriotic foundation. In knowing
the Clintons, the people and foundations which got that money was used
as kickbacks, bribes and leverage for their agenda.

The best of this is 18 million dollars is unaccounted for though listed
on their seeing the millions the Clinton's spend on
woofing food down and penthouse living on the campaign, one should look
for that 18 million in tokens of Bill and Hillary's affections to the
various lesbians and bimbos they are sexing.

Dig people dig as Bill is pimping America out for his "consultant" fees
worth millions and in the payoffs and double dipping into accounts for
bribes they obtained in the White House.

If Gitmo is to be shut down for terrorists, there are 2 occupants who
American justice can imprison there in the Clintons.

This is money fraud and the Clintons are guilty.

These people are still the low class trash they have always been in
Hillary being fired from the Watergate investigation (Yeah it is pretty
hard to top Richard Nixon's shananigans, but Hillary was more crooked
than him.........gee Bill was too.) and donating her old underwear as
tax writes offs. Who on earth would donate their old underwear and have
the testicles to claim it on a public IRS form than Hillary Clinton.