Saturday, May 3, 2008

Difference in Dozens

If someone were to tell you that young adults were taken from their parents, housed in concrete buildings for years, deprived of sleep, put into groups and subjected to rejection if they did not conform..........

Would you immediately think the conversation was about Middle East terrorists?

If that thought came to your mind that such conditioning could be a harmful thing, then why is it Americans are paying money for this mind conditioning of their children in sending them away to 17 to 20 years of "schooling" in the socialist National Education System and concluding it is not harming our children or our nation?

What harm can there be?

Ever been to a doctor and told them what was wrong with you and they refused to listen or simply stare blindly ahead as the words bounced off them and then went on to prescribe the same "treatment" which was making your more ill?

Perhaps now you get the point more clearly. Consider the brainwashing a doctor goes through and nurses go through in their jobs for years of mindless repetition in sleep deprived states for years. 18 hour days for interns for 2 years and when that type of conditioning goes on out of hospitals, it would be termed cult terrorism.
The end result is a mind controlled individual who only believes what the medical journal says they should believe and only prescribes..........poisoning a disease, cutting out a disease and radiating a disease.

Are you a fan of lawyers? Lawyers are conditioned the same way to, but their mode is to champion dishonesty, disception and lying to win. Not a healthy mindset and if you look at our messed up justice system, one can see why it is in such chaos.

Teachers are the same minions on the march. They are conditioned and then threatened by the National Education Association if they do not follow the rules they will be fired and they need the protection of the NEA from their own school district to join the NEA union.
That same type of racket in the mafia is quite extorting and illegal, but as long as the hierarchy of this financier cartel globalists managed by the Rockefellers for profit, it is deemed suitable.

None of this is to through out mind conditioning completely as it does have very positive results when it is done positively in families teaching children morals, Christianity where piety and being a good citizen is championed for a fulfilling life and the military where discipline keeps soldiers alive in reacting instead of thinking. Those traditional teaching methods produced a very productive nation not only in America, but around the world in nations which implement positive reinforcement.

Americans though have a same system of indoctrination, initiation and corruption which is destructive to the human condition whether it is Nazism, Bolshevism, Chicoms, Imperial Japan of old, Islamic indoctrination, Talmudic Jewry, Rev. Jeremiah Wright to Louis Farrakhan cult. The same positive methods which build nations are the same methods chosen by elitists to build conditioned leaders that are taught the global way of thinking is the only way of thinking and never to question what is stated.

I know teachers who go to Church every Sunday, pray and are devout, but who will in being conditioned vote for aborticide democrats by compulsion in exact violation of what they hear in Church. Now that is quite a conditioning is it not that even Islam does not have to deal with in the state having such a system that even kooks will go against allah.

That is the difference and the danger in this that the Rockefeller group have so removed the positive morals standings to even if you talk to the military the SAME CONDITION LINE will come out about homosexuals in, "What they do doesn't bother me".........and if you watch body language the head is twisting NO NO NO NO as the soldier is saying it. That is pure conditioning against what one believes and is how this entire mind initiation is pervading all facets of institutional learning and making it indoctrination.

The more adept media types are backed in books and programs for the same reason their cadence, word prose and ability reinforces the conditioning process. We like the person so it doesn't matter if they are saying God is a queer George Michael or that Jessica Lynch being raped can be used as a tool to beat on George Bush.
Filter the successful in the west and as you follow the money trial it all is quite noticed and backed by the same people many of these media types are railing against.

None of this is by accident and by calculated design just as the conditioning is by design to create the bizarre troubled rabid citizens Americans are now in either tearing down their government inside and out or looking for ways to destroy themselves.

None of this is moral military code, none of this is secular humanism of the founding fathers, none of this is spiritual humanism as taught by Socrates or Hippocrates and none of this is redeeming Spiritually as conveyed by God.

Hippocrates: Do your patient no harm.
American doctors: Harm your patient to heal them or abort or euthanize them.

Socrates: The nature of education is to question and learn.
American teachers: Do what the NEA mandates or else.

John Adams: America may only survive if it based upon moral people.
American lawyers: If it does not fit you must acquit.

Jesus the Christ: Care for people in compassion.
American politicians: Enslave the people for power.

The elitists can not destroy America as it is God planted and will continue even it harvests a crop of weeds. The fruiting plants simply become stronger and more adept at not being conned by Walter Cronkite, Phil Donanue or Al Gore. Certainly there are always a new Barack Obama or Oprah to lead the college children with degrees, but there are more and more Benjamin Franklins, Alexander Hamiltons and Abraham Lincolns arising self taught in God's Wisdom to refute the brainwashing and build a stronger Union in the disunion which prevails.

So Olmert destroys the Conservative Party in Israel. So the English had the same and America has a crowned liberal in John McCain running as Conservative along with the liberally conservative Obama, Clinton and GlobAL Gore become GreenAl Gore as his hot zones are petering out..........but the moralist whether secular or Spiritual remains. They teach their children, become more adept at the fight and some of them actually turn the tables on their teachers like Rush Limbaugh in making him admit ethanol is a good thing.

That is the positive of God as He is rejuvenating while the dregs sour in the vat of chaos they create and which is chaos and of the devil.

People must though in Socrates spiritual humanism, Hamilton secular humanism and the most important of Christ Spirituality expose, question and yes humiliate these "professionals" to brain knock them into the reality they have been willing victims all their lives no different than mind conditioned terrorist operatives carrying out a mission against America.

Because they are both carrying out a mission against the framework of a God planted people by deliberate planning.

It is easy to follow for prestige and paycheck.............will the professional of America start standing up in the security of their groups and join the rugged individuals only trusting to God and themselves to start doing the right thing for themselves, for the children and for America?

The challenge is there as the words are factually here exposing the nakedness of the realm they aspire to which is making them look like fools and making this nation a brothel of fools.
