Friday, May 9, 2008

The Fat Broad ain't Singing yet for Hamrod Clinton

Ann Coulter today was singing the praise that "Thank God, free at last,
Thank God free at last" of the Clinton scourge much like all pundits on
the right and left, but it behooves one to understand that Barack Obama
does not have this thing won yet..........and delegates can switch votes
to the final gavel as the kooks for Ron Paul keep chanting in their
defunct blogs.

Barack Obama is a political minefield of disasters. Just because the MSM
has not chosen to look at his real problems and not some kook reverand
rants does not mean they are not out there.

Who funded Barack Obama's meteoric million dollar book deal?

Why is it Obama's Peyton Place church has a Rev. Wright stealing the
wife of a member he was counseling, has a murdered dead choir director
in Don Young, who was seeking out Larry Sinclair, who is stating Barack
Obama did dope and they did each other in a limo and a hotel?

What is the illegal real estate scam Rezko who is on trial really part of?

When is Patrick Fitzgerald going to float a "Rezko defense in Obama made
me do it" to fish in bigger waters?

Where is the real Truth in Barry Obama, Barack Hussein Obama and
whatever this white black man is couching in Islam, Communism and self

Those are just Obama's main pains.

If one notices, Hollywood's big white liberal billionaire donors are
screaming at the Democratic big shots to make certain that Florida and
Michigan voters get a vote in the DNC so Hillary can win.

Add to this, that Barack Obama has not taken one necessary large state,
proving that liberal democrats are all racists from Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Florida and New York.........just how does Barack Obama win a general
election when half the Democrats refuse to vote for him and with Hillary
taking a dive he is only limping into the convention.

So when the dawn of these facts start filtering through to glassy eyed
delegates and party big wigs........that geez louise we all wanted to
get rid of that blackmailing Hillary and rapist Bill, but we got our
saddle on a mule in a horse race in Obama who is going to not only
loose, but make us boyz and girlz and Congress loose..........

Maybe the same Plamegate coup, just like the same coup waged against
Hillary will find it's way to Barry Obama in a coup which will have him
by July looking like the tanking looser he really is without all the
props holding him up Syria without the Russians.

Do not make the mistake that the fat lady is warming up and singing good
riddance to Dame Hamrod Clinton. She is earning her Supreme Court
Justice position now by weakening Obama for a very real plan formulated
years ago to usher in at the DNC a new savior to save the Democrats.
Book was that it was Al Gore, but even God is against that twit it seems
now in making winter last into spring across all the northern United
States. It is a little hard to convince people of global warming with a
foot of snow on the ground in May.

No it will not be Hillary for President, but somewhere in this Barack
Obama has a big surprise waiting for him as he is a disaster of a hidden
past. Sure Bill Clinton was as bad, but he had the entire machine behind
him..........Obama does not.

This ain't over and has just begun. People better remember that as
Hillary ain't going away. She has just moved to look for a new job in
the Supreme Court which is worse than President.

When push comes to shove, the whale in waiting Al Gore is still a more
viable candidate than Barack Obama. Tag Obama with one YouTube
homosexual video or him banging some white teenage girl of 13 years old
or Patrick Fitzgerald indicts him or oooopppppssss Don Young's leather
chaps have the DNA of Barack Obama's chief enforcer on them..........and
it all goes bye bye.

One sincerely hopes the Democrats learned from Bobby Kennedy that you do
not shoot your nominee as the chaos it causes causes one to loose an
Just publish the Marilyn photos and install a new
candidate........Democrats just need to publish one of Obama's strange
interludes and that will send him back to the Senate and tuna Gore as
the delegate's choice.

This though is the summer of the Democrats discontent and is when the
fun really begins in seeing the theater production they have been
working on for 2 years debut in A Midsummer Night's Obama meets the
Merchant of Greengore.