Sunday, May 11, 2008

One vote worth a million

After reading another Jeff Rense posting, scowling that Hillary Clinton
has won the Democrat popular vote while Barack Obama has the lead in
delegates voting, it is past time that someone explain to numbnuts who
are still seething over George Bush being "selected" for the White House
in the electoral college when Al Gore won the national vote.

As teenager, I remember thinking how stupid it was that Americans voted
and then had another representative group be the one who actually
elected the President, but as one matures in understanding the volatile
nature of mobs one starts seeing the genius of the founding fathers once
again working out something for minority rights.

Yes Jeff Rense and every Democrat who has ever complained about the
electoral college is actually complaining about minority rights.
In this, I would not be voting for either Obama or Clinton, but the
reality is in the current Democrat situation a thing of absolute beauty
for the people in villages and 1 stop light towns who do not have
Walmarts.........the exact people the people of Rhode Island were
speaking for in themselves in the Constitutional Convention against the
huge states of New York and Virginia of that day.

How does a nothing state like Wyoming have it's voice heard when it's
entire population is not what is in Miami?

The answer is the electoral college. In that, Barack Obama has won more
small states than all the large states combined. It doesn't matter if
Barack Obama is a communist in this and someone would never vote for
him........what matters is the selection process is working so the
voices of the few are combining to be heard among the voices of the many.

That is what a Republican form of government which the United States is
purely supposed to be operates under in majority rules with minority
rights. That means small states have a definite voice among states with
millions of voters who would drown out those nowhere places like
Nebraska, North Dakota and Alaska.
The alternative is democracy which is mob rule and mob rule means things
like enough people voting they can expel you from the nation, kill you
if you are sick in a hospital or like in China where the mob rules
commit aborticide on pregnant women against their will to keep a baby.

Instead of people degrading the "selection" they should be beaming with
pride and extolling the process which is working perfectly and keeping
the United States functioning as not as an experiment anymore but a
literal rule of law in a functioning Republic that works.

What greater pride can there be than being an American and seeing John
Kennedy steal an election from Richard Nixon and Richard Nixon simply
agreeing the larger process was what was more important.
What greater pride can there be than Richard Nixon stepping down from
power without one shot fired.
What greater pride can there be than George W. Bush in a contested
election riding on Florida, which was recounted several times and he
still won the state, than the rule of law in the Supreme Court stepping
in and voting exactly according to split ideology for the selection
process to continue exactly the way the founders set up the system.

Even a lying, traitorous, sex maniac in Bill Clinton could not ruin this
system as the system in the end slowed him down to make him ineffective
and made certain that Al Gore would not have a 3rd Clinton term carrying
on that corruption.

In the worst of situations and with anarchists along with sore loosers
fomenting discord, the electoral process guided the American nation in
taking the election out of the hands of the mob where riots would occur
and placing it in the hands of delegates who have proven for over 200
years they will compromise upon the best choice for America so this
nation's government continues by the people, of the people and for the

Anarchists are making sore loosers a cancer in the American political
process in speaking of things like "Hillary has more votes but Barack
has more delegates". This American system is built to operate in this
manner so the voice of a sheepherder in Trinidad, Colorado is equal to
the voice of a President of the United States in one vote, but it is how
the smaller states combine which keeps them a bulwark against the larger
bastion of states.
All of these voices are important. A person in Kansas might not care
about Wall Street in New York and Donald Trump might not care about
winter wheat in Kansas, but in combined American virtue their debate in
election will find that Donald Trump prospering in finance in Wall
Street helps a small farmer produce his wheat which makes the pasta on
Donald Trump's table milled in Ohio which cares for neither banks nor
farms, but mills.............and all coming together in voting for
candidates they choose and leverage...........ends up with sometimes a
small state Bill Clinton with a rich patrician Al Gore.........of a big
state Texan in George Bush with a little state guy Dick Cheney who is of
high finance.

In this process, it doesn't make any difference whether one likes John
McCain in Republicans, because Republicans had him chosen by Democrats
switching over and now Republicans have been messing with the process in
switching over and giving Democrats 2 candidates parts of each party
neither side wants.

That is wonderful, because when one is in the majority one votes, but
when one is in the minority one talks to quote a famous founding father.
In this Conservatives will yell, scream, scowl and frown until John
McCain the liberal picks someone like Lynn Cheney or Condi Rice.
In this liberals will have fits, tantrums, manias and schisms over their
Barack or Hillary.......and in the end the delegates might come to the
herded conclusion to nominate Al Gore, because things are so screwed up
by parties picking the other party's candidates that the electoral
college failsafe is in place to remedy the best cure for the nation.

If people would simply contemplate all of this and just marvel how God
moved a bunch of men in Philadelphia to come up with a centaur........a
government which is neither nor and yet is either or in compromise and
this thing works past human selfishness, greed, corruption and anarchy,
they would appreciate what happens in this land so very much more.

The American system not only overcomes human frailty, but it makes the
most out of the weakest of people to make most of them effective enough
Presidents that the nation survives even the worst.

People should thank God for this greatest of systems as there is no more
perfect form of government on this planet nor ever will be.
This thing works and thank God it does. Thank God it does.
