Friday, November 28, 2008

Another Obama Limbaugh Dumb Butt Comment

I have noted for several years now the absolute either ineptness or genuine lying Rush Limbaugh has done on bio fuels which is coming right out of the financier's propaganda book.
Newsbusters was all chiming in on that until big bad me kicked the sense into them and they and Limbaugh finally shut up about it.

Barack Obama though has now joined in with Limbaugh and other patrician CONservatives in calling for getting rid of subsidies for "rich farmers".

I thought I would invest a little time in explaining this as all know how halt wit Mr. Obama is, but apparently the Jungle Fever of Peggy Noonan has infected the Wall Street Journal's brain function along with Rush Limbaugh featuring this story and not sticking up for farmers.

I want to make something first perfectly clear. There is corporate agriculture and then there are farmers.
Farmers are not "rich" in any sense of the word nor is there a caste system where Buford is chewin on his straw in bibs while Bainbridge is cruising to town in a caddy.

Farmers take in all sorts of practices from grapes for wine, orange juice, watermelons, cotton, beef to the cereal grains and the specialists in honey and mushrooms. "Farmers" are not what you think and certainly not what Barack Limbaugh WSJ conclude.

I take you now on a typical day of a farmer.

They get up and have breakfast and then go to their business at their home as it is a home.

If they have a combine or a tractor, they no longer have a fuel barrel, but phone up a semi trailer to come deliver diesel to where their equipment is sitting.
You think a 60 thousand dollar Mercedes is nice? Combines and tractors now run at that price to over a hundred thousand dollars.

You think your 100 dollar fill up at the pump is allot? Try 800 to 1000 gallons of diesel at over 4 bucks a gallon for one filling. That is a 4000 dollar fuel bill for an engine which will consume it in a few days.

Grain was up last spring and dropped by half this autumn and you still have the same bills, same multi thousand dollar an acre land, same fertilizer which is as expensive as fuel as it is made from oil and then trying to reduce moisture on corn and beans, you have to dry it with natural gas at a 1.50 a gallon.

Not liking the sound of grain, well how about let us milk some cows whose price is 1200 dollars a piece. Dairies now operate in 500 cattle systems. You do the big number math in that expense of feeding that many animals high priced feed along with a milking parlour running anywhere from a quarter million to a million dollars.

Maybe you will like oranges as that is a business like sugar beets run in a monopoly that those rich farmers have. Sorry though as it froze in Florida and you didn't make any money this year off of rotten oranges and sugar beets for Crystal Sugar had a crop not so big as it rained late and the crop couldn't get out.
The bank is still there though on loans eating you up on interest.

I suppose animals like lambs and beef cattle might be more easy to raise. Well same high fuel expenses, same market drops and you have to remember all those PETA people have now got coyotes, bears, lions and wolves eating your baby calves and lambs skimming your profits like having Paris Hilton spending money on your credit cards.

Bees? Well all those hybrid crops are killing bees so honey is not such a good deal now.

Grapes, had a drought and then it rained when the crop was on so it got moldy, but you still got the bills.

Apples, sorry late frost killed all the blossoms. Peaches, nope a blight hit them along with a storm in July.

You think you have bills? Try having several hundred children who can not tell you what hurts, vet bills for them that make Teddy Care look cheap and then the continuous things that just happen to break. I'm not even full time and today I had a several hundred dollar bill just for a tractor hub.

How would any person like to have a business always falling apart. The day you buy something it is loosing value. Have hundreds of thousands of dollars tied up on equipment, hundreds of thousands more tied up on buildings and often millions tied up in land while you face the following:

People complaining about you being rich as you remember not that long ago America had a cheap food policy and none of these people were complaining when farmers couldn't afford to feed their children.

People accusing you of being rich and they aren't standing there as the quarter horse you have been riding since you were a kid is put down or that calf you raised has a prolapsed womb and it lays it's head in your lap looking for you to do something and the vet says all that can be done is shoot it.

People calling you rich when it is your spine crippled. Your neighbor busted up because a bull got him and the guy in the next county that a PTO grabbed him and tore him to bits so his family is burying him this harvest season.

I don't ever hear from people with their big mouths stuffed with food about their being rich in all the handouts they get in schooling, daycare, medical care, jobs in which this fascist government is handing out money that is keeping them working or places that are getting massive tax deductions for their printing presses or for Newsbusters doing "work" in business expenses traveling to the Republican Convention.

Why do you think Rush Limbaugh has his own jet? It is a multi million dollar tax deduction in taxes he would be paying, but instead he gets a jet ride and you can't afford tires for your Ford.

Obama is no different in his rich man subsidies in he didn't pay off his school loans, but went on vacation to Bali until he was running for President and only then did the subsidy get paid off as it would look bad in the press his buying a million dollar mansion.

The above people are either plain ignorant like at Newsbusters or are plain shills for the globalists and can be none other. Stupid or sell outs as they can be none other in this story of rich farmers.

The tragedy in America is people can not make a genuine living anymore on a quarter of land. It takes thousands of acres. This is all due to the Obama Chicago Syndicate and Tom Daschle cronies in their agri business of herbicide crops and illegal Mexican slave labor milking a thousand milk cows standing on concrete, with electric shock to keep them in stanchions all day as they burn out in 7 years and are dumped into the food supply.
That is your corporate agriculture ruining people's lives. It has nothing to do with rich farmers, but all to do with the very butt orifices in the Stock Market WSJ, patricians who run Newsbusters, Rush Limbaugh deliberately deceiving Americans and our new friend Barack Hussein Obama in his rich man subsidies.

Want a real cut Mr. Obama for the rich?

Ground Air Force One for the millions that costs to take a trip. Tell Michelle to do the cooking and live on a food stamp budget so you know how real people live. Send your kids to public schools instead of 30 grand a year private academies like Joe Biden. Park that fuel guzzling limo that cost more than a house.
You are the rich Mr. Obama. You are the rich Mr. Limbaugh. You are the rich Newsbusters. You are the rich Wall Street Journal. None of you have one idea about what normal people have been through in the past years. None of you have one wit of sense in your bigotry to understand what a farmer goes through to feed your sloven porky bodies as you preen about how wonderful all of you are.

Strange how your subsidies never seem to be noticed no more than when you retire you will be sucking off of the government taking checks you don't need like Ross Perot on Social Security and none of you being like John Kennedy in never cashing a check.

I hope someday you all have to work by the sweat of your brow for the bread you have to bake to eat as you destroy this American nation and the farmers in it. You bet that is a curse right out of the Bible and it is one I hope all of you left and right trough feeders have to contend with as bugs eat your food and some damn coyote eats your pet as a wolf is scratching at the door to eat you.
You people need reality in a heavy dose as your absolute idiocy is on display for the real people who know how naked all of you are.
